Chapter 204

When Alex woke up, he found himself lying alone in the middle of what looked like the Academy's training grounds.

The grass beneath him felt cold and damp, and a sharp pain stabbed through his side.

His mouth tasted like iron—he was bleeding, and it felt like one of his ribs was broken, sending waves of pain with every breath.

He squinted up at the sky, his vision blurred by the brightness of the stars scattered across the deep blue expanse.

This wasn’t Archlion, the world he knew. No, this was Elysium—a place where magic and swordsmanship reigned supreme, far more important than the technologies he had once relied on.

Groaning, Alex tried to push himself to his feet.

His body screamed in protest, but he managed to stand, unsteady, as his eyes landed on a door in the distance.

The architecture was strange—a blend of the modern world and something medieval. Nobles still ruled here, clinging to ancient traditions and power.

Alex had read all about Elysium and the life scenario this worl
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