Chapter 216

The next day, the second-year students, who had more than ten classes, were set to do their field test for the first time.

Each class was sent to a different area within the country of Avaloria.

Alex’s class, consisting of 40 students, embarked on a journey to the Barren Hill, where a monster-filled tower awaited them.

He had learned that in this place, the gods controlled humans, while demons held power over monsters.

The gods and demons forced humans to fight the monsters, feeding on the negative energy that humans emitted—fear, anger, pride, and more.

The more desperate a human became, the stronger the demons grew, thriving on that despair.

Meanwhile, gods preferred energy born from pride, anger, and worship.

Alex stared at the towering dungeon and clearly understood that humans were just puppets in a much larger game.

When humans died, they would forget, only to be reincarnated and forced to play on this world illusion again.

The gods and demons would continue to harvest the energ
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