Chapter 58

Some of the classmates on James's side walked to crowd around Alex with angry face.

"James," one of the men, eager to suck up to James, said. "Just give us a command, and we will handle him. Even though he is ex-military, I won't be afraid."

James's face turned joyful as he figured about six males supported him; he believed Alex couldn't fight seven people including him. "Alex, I will show you who I am!"

Suddenly, his device started ringing. He picked it up happily and quickly. "Father! Have you put him on the wanted list?"

"James," his father said, "listen carefully word by word as I don't want to repeat this anymore."


"Let the man hit you a few more times. And you must not harm him under any condition. If you dare to do something stupid and harm him, I will kick you out of the Carnegie family and will kill you myself. Do you understand?"<

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