Chapter 63

Carlo Gutti laughed menacingly, “You will die! You don’t know who you are fighting!”

“All dead men are the same in front of me,” Alex retorted, firing a shot at the intercom, which caused a loud buzzing on the other side.

He had checked the caller ID on the intercom, clearly marked with '12th floor'. That would be his target.

Carlo quickly glanced at the first-floor screen, but it only showed a black screen with the words 'no connection.' As he tried to check the second floor, the screen suddenly went blank.

He attempted to contact the people on the second floor, but no one responded to the intercom.

While he was still trying to understand what was happening, the third-floor screen also began to fade to black.

Carlo knew something must be happening. “Go tell everyone to prepare. We have locked down the elevators, so he must be using the stairs. Tell people to blockade all stair access. Use all our weapons. He may not be alone.”

The two bodyguards quickly rushed out.

Carlo, controlling
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