Chapter 98

Alex saw some people he knew and they wanted to stand and salute, but he secretly signaled for everyone to stay seated. The people, including the general, remained in their chairs.

He walked to the front, approaching James and Sophia.

“Toilet fixer! What are you doing here? Get out from here!” Grandma Lancaster yelled angrily. “Don’t cause trouble at their wedding!”

Tommy also stepped forward. “Alex, Sophia has divorced you. You don’t have any right to be here. Please leave.”

But Alex ignored him and walked past Tommy.

“Jerry, drag that person away,” Grandma commanded.

Jerry tried to tackle Alex, but with a quick movement, Alex launched a swift hit, knocking Jerry out instantly. Jerry couldn't do anything to stop Alex's advance.

“Guards, guards!” Grandma Deneuve yelled, calling for security. As the guards rushed in, Keaton was already in the room, commanding the guards to back off.

Grandma Deneuve was furious, realizing no one could remove Alex.

“What is happening here?” Alex asked, s
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