Chapter 36

Dude, don't cross the line.

Texas City is huge, with a lot of people you can't handle. Get in," Mr. Levy said, his tone threatening.

Gilbert remained calm and smiled in response to Mr. Levy's words.

"Don't lecture me about Texas City. I've traveled the world, and no one can mess with me," Gilbert replied confidently.

Gilbert's response surprised Mr. Levy and made him uneasy.

Gilbert then addressed the problem, saying, "Your son bit my son like a wild dog." Don't you feel obligated to resolve this matter?"

Mr. Levy coldly snorted and asked, "How do you propose we resolve this matter?"

Gilbert suggested a resolution, "I expect $200,000 for medical expenses and a public apology to my son in front of the entire school."

The office fell into a tense silence after Gilbert made his demands.

They finally understood that Gilbert's actions stemmed from a desire for revenge. Jenny, though young,

understood that Gilbert was supporting her. Hope rekindled in his eyes. Mr. Levy burst into laughter
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