Chapter 49: Bespoke Only
Ron had never met Bella’s distant family before. He didn’t even know that Sai had other family members aside from Bella and Sena until much later.

He thought that it was just the three of them and their deceased parents. Sena quickly scrambled out of the kitchen before Bella could catch her and ruin her and Dahlia’s plans for the following day.

“Damn, Bella would kill me if I don’t get this done soon,” Ron muttered to himself, quickly adding the finishing touches to dinner.

It took about half an hour before Ron finished in the kitchen and stepped outside with an apron around his neck to greet the guests.

It was a young man with wavy brown hair and his very pale skinned wife, who sat in the living room with Bella. Their knees were knocked together so elegantly.

“Good evening. I’m Ron, Bella’s husband.” He extended a hand to the man seated there, not expecting the glare he got in return.

Ron took back his hand when it became awkward and he realised that neither this man nor his
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