His powerful punches and flawless kicks overpower his opponent at every turn. We are simply amazed by the display of his abilities. This makes me wonder how he got injured while they were escaping. Then I remember Beauty once said it was because he was protecting them. With a single decisive blow, he seals his triumph, emerging as the undeniable champion of the match.

The final fight is between Lorde and Xhyee. Xhyee's face reveals concern about their fight. It is clear to me who will win between the two of them. However, I think Thania intentionally does this to test Lorde if she is capable of hurting a weak woman in the name of success. This is a serious test, in my opinion.

It is an unexpected matchup, a fight between a weak lady and a strong gentleman. The crowd gathers in anticipation, curious to witness how this peculiar challenge will unfold. Xhyee stands shyly in the center of the ring. Facing her is Lorde while standing in between them is Alhyssa who is confused as to why the
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