Chapter I “East Zone Complex”
4:00 am, in a nightclub in São Paulo.The bloody bodies lying on the cold floor were covered in a morbid gloom caused by the low light in the place. It was difficult to identify the victims of that massacre. The sounds of gunshots had been muffled by the loud music playing throughout the room.Strangely a funk talking about a dance.“Throw that trash anywhere”Said the fat man with gray hair. The exorbitantly expensive-looking black suit was impeccable without a single speck of blood or dirt. The dark eyes were cold, exuding a certain brutality. His calm voice had an imperative tone. He took long drags on the Cuban cigar, letting the smoke rise ghostly.”Gabriela... I hope you learned from what happened that night.Men in dark clothes, with hoods covering their faces carrying pistols and rifles in their hands were standing right behind the man who seemed to be the boss. Some others, of the same men, threw the lifeless bodies on the floor out of the nightclub through the back door so as not to arouse suspicion. They would have to do the “cleaning” before the PM arrived.At the feet of the man who was smoking, a pretty girl with long blond hair allowed several tears to fall down her face, her parted lips letting out sobs of regret. Her crying was loud. There was only a superficial cut on his arm, nothing that could be considered serious. His hands were shaking, he looked at the blood on the floor as if it were his own. She was scared, this had never happened to her in her eighteen years of life, even though she knew exactly where all her family's money came from, and who those people were who frequently visited her father.“Maybe next time you'll listen to your old father.” The fat man grabbed the blonde's arm and lifted her up with some harshness. Despite the calm tone, his gestures were aggressive, showing his irritation.” NEVER again dismiss the bodyguards I hire to protect you, unthinkable acts like tonight almost caused your death. Is happy?”“I... I just... I just wanted to have fun without having those “guard dogs” behind me! “He spoke stuttering. He could still hear the sounds of gunshots coming his way. The people in the nightclub were terrified, running around in desperation, thinking it was a robbery or something worse, which in fact it was.“Damn, did you want to have fun like a regular person? How naive!He said with an ironic laugh. His eyes gave off a murderous gleam that made the blonde tremble. It was then that for the first time he screamed. A frightening scream.“For everyone who knew Gabriela Meneses... You are no ordinary stupid girl, you are Gabi, daughter of Gabriela Meneses, the most powerful member of the East Zone Complex. Having you out there dancing in any disgusting bar without security is asking for death, do you really think my enemies will feel sorry for you just because you're a little girl? In reality, I think they would have more pleasure in killing you, of course they would want to cause you a lot of pain, beat you up and probably torture you to get to your father.They could only listen to the music. The young woman's crying was muffled, but Meneses, being close enough to her daughter, could hear her. Being the daughter of an organized crime boss was not any girl's dream, in reality if she hadn't made the mistake of dismissing the bodyguards her father had hired to escort her, that night she could have prevented their deaths. . Gabriela Meneses insisted on having the bodyguards who had failed to comply with the order to escort Gabriela to the dance club killed. He hadn't just killed his bodyguards and those of the enemy, he had killed innocent bystanders who hadn't managed to escape in time.“I... I'm sorry!” he sobbed.“Let's go, this song is irritating me.They left through the back doors, the police wouldn't take long to arrive. They got into a black van that was accompanied by a few more black cars outside. In addition to the two Gabriela, the boss's trusted man entered the car.“Clebão, I want you to call the council members when you get to the Meneses house, I want a meeting today.“This is going to be complicated!” he said, sighing with a lazy air. She was young, she should have been almost the same age as Gabriela.” It's four o'clock in the morning, boss.“Fuck it if it's four in the morning, I want the meeting in less than two hours” Clebão just sighed and took a notebook from his suit pocket in which he made some notes.” Gabi stop crying, you’re irritating me!The blonde tried to swallow her tears when she noticed that her father spoke in a pouty tone. He saw his father take out his cell phone and then quickly dial an already known number.“Gonçalves, I want you to go to the Meneses’ house now. Gabriela is injured and I need you to take a look at her.” A few minutes of silence “It's nothing serious, it's just a scratch, but I prefer you to look. She's only safe in our house.They lived in a mansion inside the favela, owing nothing to the houses in the South. Meneses could have already left the Complex. But his heart lived there. And if Gabriela was safe. Everything was fine.The Gonçalves were one of the most respectable families of doctors in all of Brazil. All were graduates either in Cuba or Bolivia.The youngest daughter of that family of doctors, Ketyellen was Gabriela's best friend. I mean, she had been Gabriela's best friend when they were children. Evaristo paid good money for the Gonçalves to respond to his calls when he ordered them to.His daughter received the same treatment as any cool kid.After half an hour inside the favela they arrived at the Meneses' house. It was monstrously large. Decorated in pastel colors inside. It was even ironic, the light and harmonious beauty of the house compared to the darkness of the businesses of its residents. In addition to more than a dozen bodyguards at the front gate alone, there were five intimidating-looking dogs roaming the entrance area, all with their guides, and would only be released when necessary.As you passed through the cast iron gates you could see an extensive garden. Imported flowers, native flowers, variety of colors and shapes. Gabriela's father had a certain taste for flowers, those that adorned his incredibly well-designed garden were only the least expensive and rare. At the back of the house there were three private greenhouses, there you could find the most exotic flowers found in all parts of the world.The view of the largest favela in a Complex in the capital of São Paulo was a dream and a delight. The way the house was designed from the outside did not raise suspicions.But its inner side was perfect.A large heated pool occupied a certain part of the ground underground, more than a dozen people could swim without feeling expressed by the other. Padded lounge chairs were scattered around the edges. In addition to the sauna and jacuzzi.Anyone's dream home. That whole “empire”, however, had not emerged in the cleanest way. Drug trafficking, drinks, murders and other dirty things were part of that wealth.“Gabi, go to your room and wait for Gonçalves to arrive” he said without looking at his daughter.“I'm really sorry dad!“If you're really sorry, NEVER do that again.” He placed an aggressive emphasis on the word never. “Go to your room quickly!The blonde preferred to take the elevator, she didn't feel like going up the stairs. For safety, the father had made his daughter's room on the top floor. Detail, the house had five floors, it was almost a castle hidden as if it were a cluster of shacks.She even liked all that luxury. Her friends were jealous, but for some time now her entire wardrobe worth millions of reais, which included expensive clothes, bags and shoes, perfumes and Dior accessories, no longer satisfied her. That pool no longer gave him pleasure, and credit cards to buy whatever he wanted was no longer so pleasant. Despite everything, she felt like a rare bird in a cage. She felt lonely!“How I hate being part of this!” she complained to herself.Related Chapters
The Kings of Crime Chapter 2
6:00 am, meeting room at the Meneses house.At the end of the large table sat Evaristo Meneses, Gabriela's father, as the most powerful representative of the East Zone Complex, that place was rightfully his. He was the only one who covered all areas of organized crime, his allies only had a few specific fields. He was the king of crime.On one side, the two most faithful allies. Representing the close mouths Jonas Lopes and Marcel Moraes.Jonas was a handsome man who at the age of twenty was already in charge of the family business. The Lopes clan had a large money extortion organization, mainly public. Most of the family were politicians or associated with them. Money laundering stopped at banks in Sweden or Amazonas as a way to avoid income tax. It was a loan shark family that lent money to big names in São Paulo and charged high interest to users. Missed payment deadlines resulted in the disappearance of the person who acquired the loan, or a loved one. The Lopes house controlle
The Kings of Crime Chapter 3
“Girls usually dream of living in a castle and being real princesses. Wait in the highest tower for your prince charming who will be: Handsome, rich and romantic and will face any obstacle for her. The two will fall madly in love at first sight. The princess's first kiss will be on a full moon night under a veil of stars. They would flee with a white horse to a simple but loving house in an enchanted forest. The first night of love would be bathed in love with red roses lining the bed.It's incredible that the kissing stage hasn't even happened yet with me, and I'm hot as hell. I'm eighteen years old and I still haven't kissed a man, not even a single kiss. I know that any guy would pay millions just to touch my mouth with his thumbs and brush his mouth against mine, after all I'm the most popular girl in college, I'm a Tiktoker with a hundred thousand followers. However, my life is not easy! I have the palace, which by the way is a beautiful house, even in the favela it is a mansion
The Kings of Crime Chapter 4
The silence inside the van was terrifying. I felt as if I were made of air... Invisible. That Max guy didn't seem to notice her. She looked ahead at any point as if it were more interesting than her, all her security guards up until then were looking at her with lust, she didn't want him, but she wanted his attention, and she didn't have it. I hadn't said hi or picked him up. The blonde looked at the tattoo on the man's left arm and decided it was a good topic to start the conversation. He put a seductive smile on his lips and asked in a soft voice.“What is written on your tattoo?” He was silent” I want to get one, but I haven't decided on the design or where to tattoo it yet.Again he didn't respond. Souza turned his face away from hers, seeming to think that the movement on the street was more interesting than the pretty blonde next to him. Gabriela looked at him frustrated.“WHAT A FUCKING ASSHOLE!”She opened her bag and took out the diary.“A princess definitely has to suff
The Kings of Crime Chapter 5
Break time came, Gabriela watched her friends get up, but remained in the classroom. I looked out the window and saw the trees in the distance.It was already at the end of the year and I would soon be in the last period of the Marketing course. At the end of the year, classes traveled to celebrate the next year of college. Rosângela's group would go to Porto das Galinhas, but Marcel had made it very clear that he would not allow his cousin to go.Ketyellen's group would go to Fiz do Iguaçu. Gabriela's group would go to Porto Seguro. She very much doubted that her father would allow her to go, and if by some miracle he did, she would have to take that idiot who had become her shadow, walk up and down with that superb fellow with her. He wouldn't be able to have fun. The idea of maybe flirting with some guys or even finding a boyfriend on the sly was out of the question. He sighed, giving up dreaming about this trip.“A princess cannot even visit some other distant kingdom without v
The Kings of Crime Chapter 6
The premises were unsanitary. The dark and cold air dominated the place, it had to be cold to stand being there for so long watching those people writhing, while the firm ropes around their bodies did not allow movement to occur. However, for men like Marcel Moraes and Faitão Duarte it seemed like an everyday scene.“The cocaine wrappers burst inside their bodies.Unfortunately. The idea of putting cocaine in the stomachs of women who would be trafficked was excellent. But this time the plastic had a defect and ended up bursting inside some of them.“I hate when that happens, now I'm going to lose out!” said Marcel sullenly, looking at the young women as if they were nothing more than damaged goods.” I'm going to lose a lot of money...“Girls so young... A shame it has to end like this! Marcel, get it over with, I hate seeing women suffer.Marcel snapped his fingers and at the exact moment the subtle crack echoed throughout the place, the sounds of gunshots followed. It didn't ta
The Kings of Crime Chapter 7
“The day seems like an eternity when you're trapped in the clutches of a terrifying psychopathic killer. This is just the first of many days to come. The idea that I lost the game never leaves my head. The idea of the protagonist putting an end to things sucks, but I don't know if I can take it any longer. It’s torturous to be by his side, not just because Souza exudes this demonic aura.”The silence inside the van for Gabriela, who liked excitement and music, was torturous. For Souza, who appreciated silence, it was pleasant. They hadn't spoken to each other since the blonde's classes ended. She was nervous. He had embarrassed her in addition to humiliating Pedro, who was one of her many admirers. If every time a man was about to declare himself the killer he suddenly appeared and subjected them to that treatment, she would no longer have a fan club. “I’m going to die a virgin and without ever having kissed!” She thought dazedly. Marcel should have appointed someone less crazy to be
The Kings of Crime Chapter 8
The blonde entered the room, viewing her father with disgust. She was hurt that he had sent such a... boring security guard to take care of her. The organized crime boss was sitting in the living room armchair smoking the usual Cuban cigar, he was talking to Clebão about a shipment to Santos, which was why early in the morning when Gabriela entered her father's office, Clebão was already there. He was probably negotiating the “order”.“So how was the first day?” asked Meneses, signaling for Clebão to stop the conversation. The aide tiredly put the notebook back into his tuxedo's inner pocket and sat down lazily on one of the sofas.“Terrible, daddy! You didn't hire a security guard you hired a sadistic, depraved, boring little monster to look after me.” the young woman shouted. His face was red with anger. Clebão, who was almost asleep after sitting on the sofa, tried to wake up to see the scandal that Gabriela was making.“Gabi, I was asking Souza.” said Meneses, looking at his da
The Kings of Crime Chapter 9
His cousin was the only one he had warm feelings for. Love was the feeling that occupied his mind and heart when referring to Rosângela. If there was anyone in the world who could tame him, it was her. He obviously didn't allow that, it was a fact he kept to himself, but he knew that if Rosângela asked him to jump off a cliff he would do it. She was his weak point.“Marcel isn't mad at me?”he asked, touching him on the arm, asking for attention.“No! I just can't wait any longer, we've been in this rain and it hasn't gotten wet for two years” He looked into the distance, if he looked at the beautiful face of the woman close to him he would be able to take her for himself” I wonder how much longer I will have to wait to have you Rosângela?“Just wait a little longer!” Rosângela had to be firm in her decisions if she wanted to remain at the side of a man like him.“Rosângela, I don't know if...” he stopped speaking when he heard the noise of his cell phone. He sighed, irritated at h
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Chapter 98
The room was dark, except for the light creeping into the room from the hallway underneath the door. The hum of the monitor echoed throughout the room as Bruno slipped inside, closing the door slowly behind him. He walked like he was on water as he came across the room, to the side of the bed. A smile appeared on his face as he leaned closely down to the figure on the bed; their faces inches apart from one another.Just then the figure's head jerk a little to the side. His eyes slowly opening to see the face of Bruno before him."Hey," spoke Bruno in a deep whisper. "Did I wake you?"Ronnie closed his eyes for a second before opening them again. He was delirious, he thought to himself. He didn't understand what Bruno was doing here. What on earth did he want? As Ronnie tried to open his mouth to speak, he found that he couldn't. A tube was lodged deep into his throat, helping him breath. "Aaargghh," grunted Ronnie, shaking his head slightly from side to side.Taking this as a yes,
Chapter 97
“Stay here,” spoke Darcy towards Flávio has he pushed him into the holding room, before closing the door behind him. Flávio frowned as he looked on at the surface of the door, before beginning to pace back and forth. He was still handcuffed. He needed to get out, he needed to go and find Renata. The plan was that Darcy would um-cuff him and let him slip out the back.It wasn’t a good five minutes later before Darcy appeared back into the room. Flávio turned towards the officer as he closed the door behind him. “Sorry about that,” mumbled Darcy looking over at Flávio as he pulled out a pair of keys from his jean pocket. “The easiest way of getting out of here is by going out through the back and into the alley way. No one will see you.”“Good,” replied Flávio taking a step towards where Darcy stood, holding out his wrists. Both men stood in silence, the only sound coming from the rattling of the mental cuffs as they were removed from Flávio ’s wrists.”Thank you Darcy,” whispered F
Chapter 96
“Of course it was Bruno, damn it! Who else would it be?” Flávio voiced filled into the silence atmosphere of the apartment. “Bruno is the one who has this weird obsession with me. The reason he came to Port Charles was not because of some art show, he came here to meet me. He had been tracking me for weeks even before he stepped foot here. This whole thing is just a game to him. He has tooken Renata to get to me,” Flávio closed his eyes and took a deep breath before continuing on telling Darcy about the events prior that involved Bruno; he mentioned how Carla had ran into him at the Christmas tree lot but had not known who it was. “Bruno had then sent me Josslyne’s hat through the mail. I know it sounds crazy, but Bruno is obsessed. And now Renata has disappeared. “Darcy looked at Flávio for a long second before replying. He had known that there had been some connection between Bruno and him but he had known it was anything like this. “Do you know where Bruno would have taken Rena
Chapter 95
Flávio stood outside Renata's apartment for a brief second as he gathered his thoughts before knocking on the door. Her father had told her that the only way to control São Paulo was the daughter of the little princess of Saudades, the woman had disappeared without leaving a But his daughter was there, he had already spoken to her on the phone without giving details, not even if it was necessary to kill her fiancé to be with Renata he would do. But his daughter was there, he had already spoken to her on the phone without giving details, not even if it was necessary to kill her fiancé to be with Renata he would do. Lifting his hand, his knuckles tapped loudly against the maple wood of the door. He paused for a second listening for the sound of footsteps on the other side. Not hearing anything, he tried again; this time a little louder.Again, there was no answer.Frowning at little at this, Flávio debated on what to do next. He could easily turn on his heel and go back to the penth
Chapter 94
...“Now why do you look so terrified Ms. McCall,” spoke Brunoas he continued to walk towards the hot tub. “Or should I call you Renata? What would you prefer?” His brown eyes sparkled down at her.“I would prefer if you would go to hell,” whispered Renata harshly, her face hard with determination. She didn’t know why Brunowas here, or how he had gotten into her apartment, the door had been locked. Her face might have read, confident but her heart was beating with cold fear at what this psychopath was going to do to her. Watching as he came around the side of the hot tub towards her, she tried to move swiftly away. However Brunohad reflects like a cat.Brunohad grabbed her by the wrist, twisting it painfully behind her back as he forced her out of the water, onto the snow cover patio. “Now play nice, Renata,” he spoke into her ear, a smile appearing on his face once again. “Chico wouldn’t want you being rude, now would he?”“Chico wouldn’t want you touching me,” spat Renata in respons
Chapter 93
At the moment she opened her eyes, she immediately recognized that foul-smelling room; it had been her captivity for the past five days. It was dark, with only a small opening high on the wall as her sole chance to know that a world still existed outside.This time, she couldn't move. Her assailant and kidnapper used all his strength and tools to torture her, especially with ropes whose ends had iron claws, tearing pieces of her already exposed skin on her back. Her clothes were in tatters, and when she could move, she did her best to appear presentable.This time, she had to pretend to faint from the pain, as had happened on the first day when he twisted her ankle, crushing any hope she had of escaping. He tormented her both physically and mentally every day.In the outside world, she hoped her friends were searching for her. It was what kept her strong and lucid enough to endure. But that didn't mean she would wait. Her captor, a cold hanyou seeking the remaining shards of the four-
Chapter 92
Two pairs of eyes stared at the board lying before them taking in everything and nothing at once. Their concentration was so great that it could no longer be felt, it just was. At first glance it appeared to be a game board of some kind, perhaps something a little like chess. First glance would not be wrong. It was a game, a game older than time itself, a game that has been before there was. The board was vast and yet small in comparison to the game itself, existing everywhere and nowhere at the same time. It was complex. So much so that the rules could not be taught, they must be known. And yet there was nothing simpler. Contradiction at its truest form."The players appear to all be in place," the first voice said. It was a surprisingly light voice, considering all that was behind it. And if one listened closely one could hear the dry humor that seemed laced through it, as though every little irony it encountered amused it.The eyes belonging to the voice that had not yet spoken fli
Chapter 91
Guilherme and Renata got out of the taxi in front of the ten-story building that Guilherme had rented through Airbnb on Marginal Tietê.It was Renata's dream to visit São Paulo, but her parents forbade her. They were scared to death of the big city.At nineteen years old, the young woman had to run away, just like this time, she pretended to her mother that she was going to Tocantins, got on a plane and was in São Paulo. The city shone, she loved it, even with her heart beating wildly.Uber helped to unload the bags, Guilherme paid and Renata jumped with joy.“We're in São Paulo” she said “My parents are going to kill me, but I can't believe I'm making my dream come true.“I don't know... But if you're happy, so am I.”Renata narrowed her eyes, Guilherme blew her a kiss.“Besides all the thongs and bikinis you bought at Riviera...”Guilherme took the bags."Open the door please. The building is very modest and has no doorman. I did as you asked. A
chapter 90
He gently touched his wife's belly, every time he touched it he felt the baby move as if the child knew that the father wanted to feel him.— I hope that at least on my birthday I won't work. — Karina rubbed her face against her husband's neck, her hands delicately caressing his chest through his clothes.— On your birthday I will only be yours and our daughter's.The name he chose for his daughter was a tribute to his late wife from his first marriage, whom she had loved intensely. Karina didn't mind giving the baby that name, she gladly accepted, wanting to please her husband's wishes.Even after having married another woman and having lived with her for fifteen years, who was now about to give birth to his daughter, Duarte could not forget Nenzinha, he loved her in the same way and intensity.Life was smiling again, he was older. Despite feeling old, judging by all his years, he understood that it was not the end, it was not too late t