That morning, the day of the bidding announcement came and Emily's mother had announced that they would be coming over to their home. She also said something about mocking her and her husband, Brad.
This actually made Emily panicked a bit. Yes there was no doubt that she trusted her husband, but still.. Fairy Tales were only after all tales for a reason!
She took another glare at her husband who had been sitting calm on the sofa, munching on his chips. "Honey," she called, and Brad turned to face her. They'd been seated opposite to one another. "Do you actually think we can pull this off?"
He smiled, only for a bit. Truth be told, Brad was new to all of the political issues, and so he couldn't give his wife a certain reply. "Honestly Emily," he said calmly, "no. I don't think we can pull this off."
His response brought a heavy sigh from Emily.
"But I can assure you that for now, and you know, since I got a job offer at the same firm hosting the bidding contest, there hasn't been another name that is as important as yours. Once your name is being announced, boom! You're the new CEO of the Wilson's household." He said cheerfully, causing Emily to chuckle. "You won't have to marry this dreadful old man. And, I have a secret for you," he said, stretching forth his arms for her to come into his hug.
Carefully wrapping her around his shoulders, he whispered softly into her ears. "I won't let that man take you or our child away from me. I promise. I will fight with all I have, and claim you right back into my arms again."
There was a knock on the door, but it was past an ordinary knock. A heavy fist had jammed its huge hands on the wooden door, banging like a lunatic.
They both sighed and said at the same time, "Conor,"
On getting there, there was Conor, Noah and Ava waiting impatiently outside. "Hello fam," Emily teased, then let them in.
Ava stared coldly into her daughter's eyes, then said slowly, "it's not too late to divorce him first before he shames you," then she strode in majestically.
Such an intimidating woman!
"Yo, Brad," called Conor. Brad turned his gaze towards him and gave a reply. "I never used to like you, but I always respected you." He said, then noticed the hint of frown on his brother in law's face and he smirked. "But this is just out of it! How do you expect that Emily would win the bid? Does she even qualify for the necessary recommendations for a big firm like that? Now I'm started to rethink the whole concept of respect."
Ava leaned forward on her seat. "I have always told you times without numbers, my dear, you do not give your respect to the slum." She said and this brought a roar of laughter starting with her husband, Noah, then Conor. She loved the effect she held on her boys.
"You know, we should all visit that hotel after this celebration for another grand celebration!" Said Noah, grinning wildly.
Ava's smirk slowly dissolved into a frown. "Are you nuts? With our family situation, do you actually think you can sponsor us to a hotel for a grand celebration?"
Instantly, Noah coughed out a quick apology. "I really didn't mean to. Don't take my words for it, my love."
Ava smiled again, but this time, it wasn't even because of her husband's rubbish apology, rather it was because the news was set to start in the next five minutes. Her timer had just alerted her. "It's due to start in the next four minutes and fifty six seconds more. Now would be the perfect time to apologize, dear son in law." Her face turned to Brad, but he gave no reply.
Emily decided to speak in his shoes. "Mother, is this really necessary? Let's stop already." She said calmly, but the seriousness in her tone was strong enough to have been heard from all of them. "How about I get us a glass of wine? Or maybe I dunno--"
"After the winner has been announced."
Surprisedly, both Brad and Ava had spoken at the same time and that powerful combo between both enemies suddenly brought a pause to the vicinity. The air even stopped for a moment, succumbing to the great power the two had just unleashed. Conor on the other hand tried hard to suppress a laughter, and he tried good enough because nobody noticed he had been laughing on the inside.
The pause lasted for the whole time left for the winner to be announced, and finally was broken by the sound of a young lady on the TV.
"...everyone, good evening to you all. My name is Tia and I am the personal secretary representing our firm's CEO, Mr Bastien--"
Brad had almost jumped out of his skin watching the news. Mr Bastien? That was him! He carefully studied the expression of them all, and noticed that neither of them had suspected that he was the one the young lady had been talking about, and it wasn't until that time that he could finally relax.
The young woman was still saying, "...and so I would love to appreciate all of our present bidders, Mr Harris, Mr Kenny, Mr Jonathan,..." she mentioned a few other names that suddenly sounded foreign to Brad.
He had confirmed that the list of bidders were no more than three, and it was a full proof guarantee that his wife would be announced winner. So what was Tia doing then?
"...and lastly, Mrs Wilson from the high and mighty Wilson household." She paused with a slight chuckle.
Ava frowned. "Is she trying to mock us??"
Nobody had a reply to her question and perhaps after all, it had been a rhetorical one.
"We will announce the winner soon, but know this, we are still accepting more bidders, so do well to check out the company's profile online at Stoneshell insurance firm dot limited dot com..."
"What is this?" Frowned Ava. "What is the meaning of this! No winner has been announced!"
"Mother, let's try to calm down--" As Conor tried to calm his mother down, the reporter's news finally came to a halt, and then, a commercial was automatically tuned in once she was down.
More waves of anger erupted from inside Ava as she felt humiliated more than she could even comprehend. Her dear siblings would definitely mock her now. There had been no escaping to that.
Brad too was quite shocked. He needed to call Tia ASAP, but he didn't want to be in the presence of them all. Yet, for some reason, he was still certain.
His wife stared at him with a worried glance, and he instantly knew what he had to do.
Conor waited for the moment and anticipated who the actual winner of the bidder would be. He had definitely not been expecting that there wouldn't be any winner at all!
Same with Noah.
The air was growing more tense by the minute, and it was all because Ava had been extra dramatic lot.
Brad rose up. "Please let us all listen. I have news. You see, I would like to raise the stakes of our dare." As he spoke, they all turned to exchange awkward glances, then back at him, eying him with the utmost surprise gaze.
Then Ava spoke. "So, what are you trying to imply, Mr Brad? That you haven't embarrassed us enough! All of the money she placed for the bidding was our money too! And yet, no winner was even announced!"
Brad replied to her with utmost calmness. "First of all, she used our money, mine and hers. Not that of the Wilsons, and secondly--" before he could continue, there was another uproar of disagreement, but he didn't care and went on with his words. "And secondly, you never even wanted her to win the bidding in the first place, so you can stop being dramatic now."
There was another wave of silence from them all. Brad embraced it. "So now let's all listen." He said confidently, though his heart was slightly pounding hard already. "Emily will win the bid, and then, our unborn child will become the family CEO."
He scoffed, realizing what he had done there. If his wife eventually wins, she won't only remain the CEO, she would as well make her unborn child the CEO. And the next child to come, and so forth. It would become hereditary.
"And when she loses?" Ava asked with no hint of concern or affection.
"What do you want?" Brad asked, even though he knew exactly what she wanted.
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The Last Heir Of The Bastien Empire Chapter 8.
That same evening, Ava was hosting a very annoying but important guest. Her sister, Ivy. She was the twin to her other brother, Lex, and they were both older than Ava by a year but they made it seem like it was ten! Ivy was an influential woman and was acquainted with a lot of powerful politicians in New York and even outside, and so, she always treated everyone around her low, and deemed herself high above them all. Ava disliked her for this. She came in with a glass of red wine, handing it over to her sister. "Here you go," Ivy eyed her carefully like she and the glass had been contaminated with some sort of heavy germs. Ivy had her father's traits; slender and tall with bright blue eyes and brown full hair. She was beautiful, and then, she was rich. Every month was always a schedule for some sort of important beauty treatment. She sighed, then collected the glass of wine at last. "Too bad we're not celebrating." Ava knew she would tease her in the end. That silly secretary na
The Last Heir Of The Bastien Empire Chapter 9.
Sooner than he had expected, a quick notice had been sent through his message: please Mr Jed Griffith, you are no longer welcome to work with us at Stoneshell any longer. We will ban you and any of your family that try to partake with any business consultation with us from this very moment. Thank you. He had still been present in the firm, reading the message like it had been written in a foreign language, then some hefty men nearly twice as big as he was came towards his direction, lifted him up in the presence of everyone and threw him out. They didn't stop until they arrived at the trash bag outside before dumping him there. There had not even been a split second for an embarrassing moment.His personal assistant hurried out to meet him, cleaning his clothes which had attracted particles of stains, but Jed pushed her away, sending her to a quick halt. He was now starting to feel embarrassed. What would Ava think of him? Or his sister?! He was doomed. Doomed! ✩★✩Brad met with h
The Last Heir Of The Bastien Empire Chapter 1.
Being a twenty five-year old young man with no job, and not even the slightest bit of predicted hope along your path, was definitely a scary thing to be.Brad Jones Bastien was a young man and a graduate of banking and finance from a local university in the US. Too bad though that he had no job and no money!He asked himself a lot of the time, 'is it a crime to marry for love?'Brad was married to a lovely and beautiful woman named Emily Wilson, who was two years younger than him. And although Brad had never for once regretted his decision, life would always torment him at times, revealing to him a glimpse of the life he would have gotten if he hadn't gotten married into the Wilson's household.The Wilson household was one of the mighty and powerful families in New York, one of the US biggest towns. Unfortunately for him, they also happened to be the family his wife was born into.And what disturbed him the most was that she was not bothered by his low status. She cared less and alway
The Last Heir Of The Bastien Empire Chapter 2.
Brad continued his stroll for the next fifteen minutes in peace, until his phone began to ring again.He picked it up to check who his caller might have been, and to his utmost surprise, found it to have been his father in law, Noah Wilson. Noah wasn't too different from him. He came from a poor family and got married into the Wilson household, and thus, received all sorts of insults and blasphemies from his wife's people. Soon, because of his cowardly behavior, he too began to creep low and adjusted just fine to their harsh behaviors. Even from his wife! Brad picked up. "Hello sir, good evening." "Good evening? Hmph!" Scoffed Noah. "What exactly is good about the evening, huh? What is?" Brad sighed. He was already used to his father-in-law's drama, so he remained calm. "I'm sorry, sir." "You just will never learn, will ya?" Queried the man, while Brad remained quiet. "Listen boy, you have decided you were ready for anything the instant you agreed on marrying our daughter. Why a
The Last Heir Of The Bastien Empire Chapter 3.
As the bus began to move, Brad's mind started to grow confused as he wondered what in the world could be happening to him at the moment. Kidnapping in broad daylight?? Well maybe it had been during the early hours of the evening, but still! It was so unlikely. Who were those guys? Why had they abducted him? For what reasons! Brad had no money at all. He decided that perhaps if he could plead with them... but that would probably not change anything at all. What if they asked him for a ransom? How would he pay them? Not any one in the entire universe besides his wife would care. He sighed, wheezing in as the air choked around him. No, Brad. You have to be calm, he thought. After a while, the car pulled over. Brad had been led into a house and upon taking down the bag, he saw an old man coming his way. His vision still blurred a bit, but he was certain that someone had been walking down his lane. He stole a quick glance at his environment and to his utmost surprise, realized he
The Last Heir Of The Bastien Empire Chapter 4.
"Yes sir, the Wilsons did know your family and they were mere followers back then." Explained the old man, and Brad listened wholeheartedly. "Years back when your family were still alive, they supported families such as the Wilsons and others that were low on wealth financially, and made them become better by funding their account with huge amounts of money. They provided good jobs for them, and thus, they became rich. On a condition that they supported them back by becoming one of the shareholders of the company.""Okay, so they helped the Wilsons and now they too are part of the shareholders?" Brad asked impatiently. The old man nodded. "They did, sir, and all was good. Though they withdrew their shares in the company already. After the tragedy that befell your household... the sudden catastrophe that resulted in the death of them all. May their gentle souls rest in peace." Said the family butler, bowing his head slightly in respect for the dead. Brad did the same. "But how come I
The Last Heir Of The Bastien Empire Chapter 5.
That evening, Emily had to visit her parents house because of the way her mother, Ava had suddenly left in a call. The woman was a dramatic woman, Emily knew that well.Still, the woman was her mother. She needed to just go visit to see they were alright. And since her husband hadn't been home yet, she decided to head out. Soon enough, she arrived at the home of the Wilsons, where she had lived just a couple of years back.The compound and entire building had been nicely constructed... Money was involved in the amazing work of construction. The Wilson household held so much exquisite luxury because Ava Wilson was an exquisite luxury woman herself!Conor was at the doorstep to unlock the door for Emily, and the moment he saw it was her, his eyes flashed bright. "Welcome sister," said Conor, Emily's older brother by three years... Same age as Brad. His dark fringe curled neatly beneath his forehead, a little bit messy but not enough to ruin his handsome face.Everyone said he got his go
The Last Heir Of The Bastien Empire Chapter 6.
Brad woke up on the beautiful Saturday teaching his wife on how to place the bid.His plan with his family butler, Harry had gone like this:A day earlier;"I know what we should do," Brad had proposed to Harry. Harry listened carefully. "We need a strategic way to inform the shareholders of the company that the authentic heir of the firm was back. He had read sometime that in some big companies, only the CEO could host events like a bidding contest and auctions. And that was exactly what he was going to do."We will host a bid contest." He said proudly to Harry. "That way no one would be able to oppose my return, or doubt it."That had been what he thought earlier, and that Saturday morning after his wife had suddenly received the phone call from her mother, he had made up his mind to make her win the bid and become the next family CEO.She sighed, not understanding a word he was saying, but he was convincing enough and had told her not to worry. That he would protect her and their
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Chapter 9.
Sooner than he had expected, a quick notice had been sent through his message: please Mr Jed Griffith, you are no longer welcome to work with us at Stoneshell any longer. We will ban you and any of your family that try to partake with any business consultation with us from this very moment. Thank you. He had still been present in the firm, reading the message like it had been written in a foreign language, then some hefty men nearly twice as big as he was came towards his direction, lifted him up in the presence of everyone and threw him out. They didn't stop until they arrived at the trash bag outside before dumping him there. There had not even been a split second for an embarrassing moment.His personal assistant hurried out to meet him, cleaning his clothes which had attracted particles of stains, but Jed pushed her away, sending her to a quick halt. He was now starting to feel embarrassed. What would Ava think of him? Or his sister?! He was doomed. Doomed! ✩★✩Brad met with h
Chapter 8.
That same evening, Ava was hosting a very annoying but important guest. Her sister, Ivy. She was the twin to her other brother, Lex, and they were both older than Ava by a year but they made it seem like it was ten! Ivy was an influential woman and was acquainted with a lot of powerful politicians in New York and even outside, and so, she always treated everyone around her low, and deemed herself high above them all. Ava disliked her for this. She came in with a glass of red wine, handing it over to her sister. "Here you go," Ivy eyed her carefully like she and the glass had been contaminated with some sort of heavy germs. Ivy had her father's traits; slender and tall with bright blue eyes and brown full hair. She was beautiful, and then, she was rich. Every month was always a schedule for some sort of important beauty treatment. She sighed, then collected the glass of wine at last. "Too bad we're not celebrating." Ava knew she would tease her in the end. That silly secretary na
Chapter 7.
That morning, the day of the bidding announcement came and Emily's mother had announced that they would be coming over to their home. She also said something about mocking her and her husband, Brad.This actually made Emily panicked a bit. Yes there was no doubt that she trusted her husband, but still.. Fairy Tales were only after all tales for a reason!She took another glare at her husband who had been sitting calm on the sofa, munching on his chips. "Honey," she called, and Brad turned to face her. They'd been seated opposite to one another. "Do you actually think we can pull this off?"He smiled, only for a bit. Truth be told, Brad was new to all of the political issues, and so he couldn't give his wife a certain reply. "Honestly Emily," he said calmly, "no. I don't think we can pull this off."His response brought a heavy sigh from Emily."But I can assure you that for now, and you know, since I got a job offer at the same firm hosting the bidding contest, there hasn't been anoth
Chapter 6.
Brad woke up on the beautiful Saturday teaching his wife on how to place the bid.His plan with his family butler, Harry had gone like this:A day earlier;"I know what we should do," Brad had proposed to Harry. Harry listened carefully. "We need a strategic way to inform the shareholders of the company that the authentic heir of the firm was back. He had read sometime that in some big companies, only the CEO could host events like a bidding contest and auctions. And that was exactly what he was going to do."We will host a bid contest." He said proudly to Harry. "That way no one would be able to oppose my return, or doubt it."That had been what he thought earlier, and that Saturday morning after his wife had suddenly received the phone call from her mother, he had made up his mind to make her win the bid and become the next family CEO.She sighed, not understanding a word he was saying, but he was convincing enough and had told her not to worry. That he would protect her and their
Chapter 5.
That evening, Emily had to visit her parents house because of the way her mother, Ava had suddenly left in a call. The woman was a dramatic woman, Emily knew that well.Still, the woman was her mother. She needed to just go visit to see they were alright. And since her husband hadn't been home yet, she decided to head out. Soon enough, she arrived at the home of the Wilsons, where she had lived just a couple of years back.The compound and entire building had been nicely constructed... Money was involved in the amazing work of construction. The Wilson household held so much exquisite luxury because Ava Wilson was an exquisite luxury woman herself!Conor was at the doorstep to unlock the door for Emily, and the moment he saw it was her, his eyes flashed bright. "Welcome sister," said Conor, Emily's older brother by three years... Same age as Brad. His dark fringe curled neatly beneath his forehead, a little bit messy but not enough to ruin his handsome face.Everyone said he got his go
Chapter 4.
"Yes sir, the Wilsons did know your family and they were mere followers back then." Explained the old man, and Brad listened wholeheartedly. "Years back when your family were still alive, they supported families such as the Wilsons and others that were low on wealth financially, and made them become better by funding their account with huge amounts of money. They provided good jobs for them, and thus, they became rich. On a condition that they supported them back by becoming one of the shareholders of the company.""Okay, so they helped the Wilsons and now they too are part of the shareholders?" Brad asked impatiently. The old man nodded. "They did, sir, and all was good. Though they withdrew their shares in the company already. After the tragedy that befell your household... the sudden catastrophe that resulted in the death of them all. May their gentle souls rest in peace." Said the family butler, bowing his head slightly in respect for the dead. Brad did the same. "But how come I
Chapter 3.
As the bus began to move, Brad's mind started to grow confused as he wondered what in the world could be happening to him at the moment. Kidnapping in broad daylight?? Well maybe it had been during the early hours of the evening, but still! It was so unlikely. Who were those guys? Why had they abducted him? For what reasons! Brad had no money at all. He decided that perhaps if he could plead with them... but that would probably not change anything at all. What if they asked him for a ransom? How would he pay them? Not any one in the entire universe besides his wife would care. He sighed, wheezing in as the air choked around him. No, Brad. You have to be calm, he thought. After a while, the car pulled over. Brad had been led into a house and upon taking down the bag, he saw an old man coming his way. His vision still blurred a bit, but he was certain that someone had been walking down his lane. He stole a quick glance at his environment and to his utmost surprise, realized he
Chapter 2.
Brad continued his stroll for the next fifteen minutes in peace, until his phone began to ring again.He picked it up to check who his caller might have been, and to his utmost surprise, found it to have been his father in law, Noah Wilson. Noah wasn't too different from him. He came from a poor family and got married into the Wilson household, and thus, received all sorts of insults and blasphemies from his wife's people. Soon, because of his cowardly behavior, he too began to creep low and adjusted just fine to their harsh behaviors. Even from his wife! Brad picked up. "Hello sir, good evening." "Good evening? Hmph!" Scoffed Noah. "What exactly is good about the evening, huh? What is?" Brad sighed. He was already used to his father-in-law's drama, so he remained calm. "I'm sorry, sir." "You just will never learn, will ya?" Queried the man, while Brad remained quiet. "Listen boy, you have decided you were ready for anything the instant you agreed on marrying our daughter. Why a
Chapter 1.
Being a twenty five-year old young man with no job, and not even the slightest bit of predicted hope along your path, was definitely a scary thing to be.Brad Jones Bastien was a young man and a graduate of banking and finance from a local university in the US. Too bad though that he had no job and no money!He asked himself a lot of the time, 'is it a crime to marry for love?'Brad was married to a lovely and beautiful woman named Emily Wilson, who was two years younger than him. And although Brad had never for once regretted his decision, life would always torment him at times, revealing to him a glimpse of the life he would have gotten if he hadn't gotten married into the Wilson's household.The Wilson household was one of the mighty and powerful families in New York, one of the US biggest towns. Unfortunately for him, they also happened to be the family his wife was born into.And what disturbed him the most was that she was not bothered by his low status. She cared less and alway