Took forever but here's the next chapter. Had a lot of stuff going on with my health that prevented me to write but I'm okay for now. Still struggling but I'm getting better. Really appreciate the people who took their time to read this novel. I would really appreciate it if you shared this with your friends too.
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The Last Vampire: A War of Worlds 1. The Battle of Sarania.
* Two Years Earlier: The Vallath nation had waged war on Sarania as part of their undying conquest to take over the entire Western continent*Samuel looked passed the enemy lines, every one of his comrades had been killed and their corpses gathered and stacked upon each other. Roughly a hundred brave young men that gave their lives for Sarania. It was almost high noon, the hottest point of day and the Vallath army was getting closer to Wall Yotanda. The wall shut off all outsiders from Sarania for centuries. "I'm I the only one left?", Samuel asked himself. He checked around the battlefield, the Vallath forces had killed nearly everyone and all the war dragons captured. In the corner of his eye was Captain Zain Einar hiding behind a captured Scarlet dragon, the beast was put barely moving. He rushed through the battlefield, unnoticed by the Vallath forces. He hid by the tail of the beast while the captain was hiding against the dragon's head. "Captain.", he whispered, "My captain.
The Last Vampire: A War of Worlds 2. Secret Underground Labyrinth, Sarania
Her legs stiffened and her hands couldn't stop shaking. Her excuse of a bed banged against the hallow walls of the labyrinth and could be heard throughout the rest of the camp. Alora's roommate, Layla, woke up from to the sound of the loud ruckus."I swear if don't stop moving around, I'm going to fucking kill you.", she hopped out of the bottom bunk. "The sun isn't even up yet." She climbed the metal foot ladder and onto the top bunk. Alora entire body was shaking, her hazel eyes were open and locked onto the ceiling. "Shit.", she yanked Alora's blanket and tossed it on the ground. She held her arms and shook her. "Not again.", she tapped Alora's face. "Come on wake up!", Alora's eyes began to dilate, her body spasms worsened. "Zain!!!", she cried. Zain came in with his cane in hand. "What is?, What's happening?", he asked."It's Alora.", her eyes watered up, "I don't know what's happening." Layla got off the ladder and Zain hopped right on. He touched Alora's hand. It felt l
The Last Vampire: A War of Worlds 3. North Western Stormica, Vallath Imperial State
The day was brighter than most in the town of Stormica. The large windowless structure that was the Stormica Market was packed with a sea of customers and merchants. Azarian walked into the market and his ears were drowning in the sound of deals happening. He held his black dragon leather satchel and marched into the sea that of the market.He had heard stories from Nancy about the market. She would always describe it as a place where the imagination meets reality. It was mesmerizing sight, infant exotic dragons, culinary delicacies from the fairy Kingdom of The North Lands, Spell books of Mages and magical weapons that were crafted by famous blacksmiths. A pure marvel it was.Azarian wondered around the market looking for a merchant named Ryoko the collector, a name he had heard from a blacksmith not long ago. "The man who collects legends out of stories and become a legend himself.", the blacksmith said. He approached every merchant he could and not a single one knew the merchant
The Last Vampire: A War of Worlds 4. Central Colonial District, Sarania
The rest of the squad sat for hours in Alora and Layla's room waiting for Thomas to return from his meeting with Zain. The three talked for hours about the days before the Vallath took over Sarania. "I just miss my mom you know.", Layla said, "I know it's been a few years but it's just such a fresh memory, worst day of my life." "Yeah.", Kai cracked open a bottle of the finest local brew and drank it. "I didn't know you drank.", Alora said. He looked her in the eyes and smiled. He continued to drown himself in the bottle. "It helps silence the voices.", he said, "My parents were never really around. They travelled alot from district to district. It was just me and my little brother Kalsi." "He died during the invasion.", his eyes teared up, " I could have saved him, I should have saved him but-", he fell silent and stared his bottle. "But the reason why I drink princess is because I hear him call me. Most nights and sometimes when I'm alone. He sounds so happy and other times he
The Last Vampire: A War of Worlds 5. North Western Stormica, Vallath Imperial State
"No Azarian this is too much." , Nancy said. "You took me in when I had no where to go.", Azarian said, "It's the least I can do." Azarian opened his satchel and removed the bundle of money. He put the money on the table. Nancy was worried and Azarian could tell by the way she looked at the table. "Where did you get the money from?", she asked. Malak woke up from his slumber and walked into the living room. "Mummy what's going on?", he rubbed his eyes and yawned. Nancy slid the money underneath the table. She got off her seat and rushed to Malak. She squatted to his height. "Nothing.", she held him in her arms, "Mummy is just talking to uncle Azai about stuff.", Nancy said, "Grown up stuff. Come on go back to sleep." "But I don't want to sleep.", Malak said, "I want to play.""It's night time you can't go pl-" "Sure we can go play.", Azarian said, "I will find you outside." The little boy rushed up to Azarian and hugged his legs. He then ran outside the door as quickly as hi
The Last Vampire: A War of Worlds 6. Central Colonial District, Sarania
"Get up! Get up!", Alora said.He was gripping onto his thigh real bad. His hand was coated in his blood. The mysterious lady had struck him with a magical fire blast. He let go of the wound and the flame went right through barely missing the bone. It was bad, he couldn't stop bleeding. He held as much he could but he was losing too much blood way too fast. He tore off his sleeve and wrapped it around the wound. He let of the sleeve and it was quickly trenched in his blood"Just go.", he clinched onto the wound applying more pressure. "She coming there's no point in both of us dying." Alora stood there and a thousand thoughts were going through her mind. The carrier bag was in her arms and she tossed it on the ground. She opened the bag and it was full of letters. She rushed through them and stuffed a handful of them in her back pocket. She stuck her head at the edge of alley way and saw the mystery lady with a group of Enforcers. She was ordering them to look around the alley ways
The Last Vampire: A War of Worlds 7. Stormica Imperial Office, Vallath Imperial State
They had been waiting in line for hours and they were finally next. The man who had the list of appointments had been calling out names from morning, his throat was dry and his lips were drier. "Complaint 66!", the man shouted. Azarian and Nancy stood up from their seats. They walked up to the man and they could see that man had a long day."The captain will see you now.", he said.They entered the captain's office. His office glamorous and filled with things he had collected over the years. Honour medals cased in glass, portraits of him and his comrades fifty years ago when the war effort resumed. He was younger then, he had a full head of black hair and had a charismatic charm in his eyes. The captain was seated at his desk signing some paperwork sent by the Imperial Office in the Capital. He didn't move when an inch when Nancy and Azarian walked into the room. Azarian and Nancy sat on the chairs that faced his desk. "Excuse me sir.", Nancy said. The Captain put down his pen a
The Last Vampire: A War of Worlds 8. Salkatar Prison Sarania
"Oh good you are awake now.", The lady said. Alora couldn't move her body. She was laying on the cold hard prison floor. She tried to speak, her mouth didn't move. She grunted loudly trying to speak, her mouth couldn't utter the words."Palrugos.", the lady said, "An old paralysis spell used by mages during the war of ages." The lady smiled and paced around the small prison cell."I don't think we've properly met Princess.", she said, "I am Jade, daughter of Emperor Sebastien and hand to the Emperor. We've been monitoring your resistance movement for years now, every move you made we watched." Alora tried moving again. Her fingers twitched and she grunted even louder."The spell will wear off eventually. If I were you I wouldn't fight it.", She bent down and faced Alora. "I thought we killed every royal but here I am in the midst of the princess herself.", she said, "Never did I think that a royal was even in the resistance but again here I am surprised. Father is going to love th
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It was the day after the whiskey with General Winston. Azarian replayed the conversation he had with him in his mind again and again. 'He has a file on me?', he said to himself. The Vallath Empire really had eyes and ears everyone, to a have a file on a man who lived his days as a ghost.There was a knock at the door, Azarian stood up, "Wait!", Humphrey said with a look of worry on his face, "What if it's enforcers again?""If there were enforcers they wouldn't be knocking at the door.", he said, "The order to hunt us down hasn't been granted yet. We still have time to find Malak. It's Winston." "Can we even trust him?", Humphrey asked, " Isn't he working for the people that will eventually come and have our heads. Seems very unwise." "Trust me." Azarian opened the door and as his prediction served him right, it was Winston. He looked a bit worn out, the few dozens more drinks after Azarian left really took a toll on him. His pants were barely holding onto his waist, he kept on tugg
Alora was laying in her bed gazing at the ceiling. She heard a knock at her door. She walked over to the door and opened it. "Good day Lady Alora!", said the man at the door, "The emperor sends his greetings and he hopes you slept well in your new room." Alora was charmed by the Emperor's sudden hospitality. Moving her from a cell in the bottom of the tower to a comfortable room with a king's sized bed, a toilet free from diseases and a window view of the mighty Vallathian Capital in all its glory. "I enjoyed my sleep thank you very much.", Alora slowly shut the door. The man put his foot in between the door. Alora opened the door. "Yes?", she asked. "I'm sorry to interrupt but the message doesn't just end at salutations.", he walked into the room and shut the door behind him. "My lady, the Emperor would like to have you accompany him to his meeting with his council." Alora was baffled by this odd request. She paced around the room in disbelief. The man looked on as Alora was try
27 The Capital,Vallath Imperial State
Azarian was standing outside the at the back of local bar at the heart of the lower city. The bar had gone by many names over the years like most things in the capital but the name that has always stuck is 'The Bar'. People of all kinds from all over the city would come and have a drink here but that was back before Emperor Sebastian became the supreme ruler of all of Vallath. Now the bar has become a chill spot for retired soldiers and off duty Imperial Officers and Enforcers. It was a busy night as always. The low lives of this ever unforgiving city laying against the wall, barely conscious and drenched in the smell of cheap and dangerous strong spirits and their own urine. Azarian choked on the awful stench. He moved away from the drunks at the back and made his way to the front entrance. He looked up at the sky and embraced the bright beautiful full moon in all its glory. He stood by the corner of the bar and saw dozens of people coming in and out. There were mostly old wartime g
26: The Emperors Tower, The Capital.
The stairs seemed endless, Alora's heart was racing. She hadn't been this scared since the invasion of Sarania. A time where her entire world of royalty and luxury came crashing down before her eyes. Everything she had known was burnt to ash and the ashes were now the foundation of something she is trying to fight against. She remembered the way her father was mercilessly killed in front of the people he dedicated his life to. She knew this fate awaited her at the end of the staircase. They reached the end of the staircase and there were in a giant hall with walls of grey Mable and portraits of the Vallath's many victories over the fallen nations of the Western continent. One portrait was bigger than the rest, it took up nearly the entire wall. There was a massive battle field with dead soldiers everywhere. They were brutally killed and had their corpses cut in half. At the heart of the portrait was the emperor in full metal body armour in all his glory standing tall over a fallen Sa
25: The Capital, Vallath Imperial State, (AZARIAN'S APARTMENT)
Humphrey woke up from his slumber on the floor. He stood up and found Azarian's bed empty. He wondered where he had gone, it wasn't like Azarian to be up before the sun rose. He went into the living area and found Azarian wide awake staring at the city through his window. Humphrey looked at his fingers and they were drenched in blood. Humphrey was startled by the disturbing sight. "Azarian.", he said softly, "What did you do?" Azarian turned away from the window and Humphrey's jaw dropped. Azarian's face was covered in blood and his eyes had become bloodshot. He walked up to Humphrey with a hair raising stare. Humphrey heart was racing in fear, he knew this was his end. "Please! Please! Please!", he got dropped down to his knees begging at his feet, "Please! Don't kill me! Its me remember?""I'm not going to kill you.", Azarian smiled humorously. Humphrey was baffled, His eyes couldn't stop twitching in disbelief. "I was in the belief that you were under the influence of your urges
24: The Capital, Vallath Imperial State. ( Estate of The Emperor)
The carriage pulled up at the front of the Emperor's Tower. It was glorious to look at upfront. The building was made out of precious grey marble and had a so many windows to spare. There were imperial enforcers at every corner of the place, heavily armed with guns of great magic. Jade opened the carriage door and Alora was eager to escape. Jade sensed her racing heart and gave her the control of her body back "I can feel-", Alora clinched her fists. She stretched out her arms and couldn't believe her eyes. She stretched out her legs. She was in shock. "Everything!" "I was hoping for that result.", Jade said, "And if you think about running away you will get shot down before you even leave the gate." Alora looked out the window and saw the swarm of enforcers at every corner. From very the top of the tower to the front door and those just standing around the yard, they looked ready to kill anything that moved. Jade came out of the carriage and Alora was right behind her. They walke
23: The Capital, Vallath Imperial State.
The night had fallen upon the city. Azarian and Humphrey were cooped up in their apartment In the rough side of the city. It had been a few days since Azarian had last had a taste of blood. He could go on days or even years without the taste but as of late, he had found it hard to control his blood lust and let alone his rage. He laid his head to rest and all he could see and hear was extremely violent memories of the battle of Sarania. His commanding General was giving his squad a debrief about the impending attack from The Vallath. He was sitting next to Samuel during the debrief. He was nervous, heck all of them were. Sarania had never been at war since the war against the Vampires. Samuel's thigh was shaking against Azarian's. He turned to Samuel and whispered, "I've come to accept that death is always going to be there. We can't run from it." Samuel was confused, "Is that supposed to make me feel better?", he whispered humorously."All I'm saying is that we are bound to die ev
Alora eyes opened. Everything was spinning before her. Her vision was blurry and all she could see was a dark figure right in front of her. Her ears were ringing. She tried to get up but she couldn't feel her legs. She tried to move her arms and hands but there was absolutely no feeling in her limbs."I see you are awake.", Jade said, "I was hoping I didn't use too much of my power when trying to sedate you. I guess I used just the right amount. "Alora's world stopped spinning and she could clearly see the dark figure right infront of her. It was Jade, she was sitting in a chair right across her. Alora looked around and there were in a mechanical Vallathian carriage heading somewhere. She looked out of the window but there was nothing but sand as far as the eye could see. Alora turned her attention back to Jade. "My friends?", she asked, "Are they alright?""I'm someone of integrity.", she leaned in forward , "As tempting as it was, a trade is a trade."Alora was relieved. Though sh
21: The Capital Vallath Imperial State
Azarian had his arms crossed. Humphrey was playing with his thumbs. He was amused by his human form. He couldn't stop looking at his hands. He touched his face in awe. "So this is what it feels like?", he said, "You humans have such graceful vessels I give you that." "Half human.", Azarian said, "Are you going answer my question now?" "What question?", he pretended absolutely clueless. Azarian was slowly losing his patience. He was grunting heavily as he watched Humphrey behave like a child. "For the last time.", he said, "What are you and where did you come from?"Humphrey was hiding something. Azarian could feel it deep down. Humphrey stood up and walked away from him. He was rushing to the door before he could even get his hand on the door knob, Azarian dashed as quick as lightening. He squeezed Humphrey by the throat. "Get your filthy hands off me you abomination!", Humphrey tried to remove Azarian's hand off him. It was no use. "You are testing my very thin patience." , Az