Chapter 103 Physical Lessons
While the four elders were quibbling with each other, all sense of the main topic that they were arguing about had gone through the window and now they were just nitpicking at things that they'd held back while they were living in the village. But slowly getting up from the sand were the younger villagers who were unconscious as they started waking up to the sight of the usually quiet normal elders or the loud and vulgar elders, were now cussing out each other which normally happens behind their backs, not in public.

“What’s going on with them?” One asked

“I thought they always tried to make it appear that they have a united front “Another added

“Yeah, and this is the loudest of ever heard Lady Misuki’s voice”.

One of them who was awake the whole time started grumbling to the other that this all started from seeing Howywee's status,

(All right then... can't say I didn't give them time to bicker with each other) Lieg thought to himself.

He scratched his head moving towards them w
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