
In another place, among the spectator seats, there was a special seat that stood out from the rest, two people were sitting there drinking tea, and looking at the battle arena with a wide view.

From their place, there was a woman and a middle-aged man, and there was also a young man who looked 20 years old standing behind the two.

The old man and young man who were standing looked like they were not from the same group as the woman. iit could be seen as he sat and looked at the battle arena impatiently, and glanced in all other directions subconsciously.

But the old man glanced more frequently at the woman beside him, and couldn't help but say, "Sect Head Yun, it's been more than a hundred years since we last met, but Sect Head Yun has never changed, whereas this person is becoming more and more old."

Yun Xie, the Yanjin Sect Head only smiled faintly at the words of praise of the man next to him, and lightly responded, “As an Immortal cultivator, isn't that a natural thing, Sect Head
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