Chapter 45 ~ Become a Mercenary
After deciding to become a mercenary by performing the duty of escorting the yellow river caravan. Tang Hu walked near where the mercenaries gathered.

The distance between the town of Yansan and the city of Changyang is about a few miles. In addition, the city of Changyang has a fairly large population, so many caravans go there. This is why there is a high demand for mercenaries here. Commercial caravans would spend their money and hire mercenaries.

The mercenaries will protect the caravan from bandits and monsters as they travel to the city of Changyang and ensure the goods arrive safely. The more valuable the luggage, the more it will be spent on hiring mercenaries.

On the Yansan square, there are also many caravans in addition to the Yellow River, and among all the caravans, only the Yellow River caravan has the highest demand.

Tang Hu looked at the car and found that there were only nine mercenaries near the yellow river caravan. Those nine people were all powerful quotators,
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