Azgul Castle I

Loralye looked awkward as she tried to find the proper words to explain herself. Her eyes wandered everywhere as she avoided looking into Gabriella's eyes.

" I just decided to come here and check the view from the-"

" -The view of the construction site next door?", Gabriella asked.

" You know what? I just realized that my ring is missing. It's probably downstairs. Bye!", said Loralye before she left.

Gabriella went back and sat down.

" What are we doing after this?", asked Myles.

" I thought that we can go look around Azgul Castle", said Gabriella.

" I always wanted to go there"

" I thought that you wouldn't want to go there", said Gabriella.

" Why would you think that?"

When Gabriella was about to reply, the waitress came with the food. After the waitress left, the two began eating.


In front of them stood Azgul Castle. It was a perfect example of Etroanian architecture. Each of the bricks used to build the castle was carved to be part of a huge mural. The mural told the tragic story of Queen Lucinda Vincent.

A large part of the mural was destroyed. The parts of the mural that were still intact did not provide little to no information about her life that is not known from the documents available.

This castle was abandoned by archeologists and historians and the castle was closed.

Gabriella felt that although the castle wasn't as interesting and appreciated as other landmarks, it has its charm. The mystery of the castle never fails to intrigue her.

The garden of the castle was one of the few places that were maintained. The garden was filled with flowers like red Chrysanthemums, Azaleas, striped carnations, pink carnations, red camellias, pink camellias, and Ambrosias.

There were water fountains a hedge maze leading to a golden water fountain that looked like it hadn't been polished in a while. On the western side of the garden, there was a gazebo and a stone doorway leading to nowhere.

Gabriella had always wanted to see where the stone doorway led to but every single time she was close to opening the door, someone would interrupt her. This made her even more curious. Whenever she sees the door, something in her mind tells her to move forward, grab the handle and open the door.

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