0021: Like A Headless Chicken

"Wesley," Kian frowned and looked up when he received no response. He held up the marriage certificate and questioned again, "Tell me, does the camera angle look weird?"

"Ah... No, sir," Wesley shook his head and lowered the certificate while looking around quickly. People were entering and exiting. Even if they didn't know Kian's real identity, he still felt cautious.

"Are you—" Kian was still not convinced and wanted to speak but Wesley sighed inwardly, 'What's the use of saying anything now? You already got the certificate and of course you look great but sir, I think it would be shocking if the news got out!'

"Sir," He pulled out his phone. "You should see this."

This momentarily distracted Kian and he put the certificate away before collecting the phone.

"Just like you instructed, every media channel has spread the news and it has entered the top ranking of hottest news category. The public tender will be available in two days."

"Good," Kian's soft expression disappeared and his
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