0045: It Must Be Fake!
"His clothes seem to be the same as that scum," Edward's voice trembled when the camera lingered around the mysterious tycoon on the television but still didn't show his face.

The entire Wilson's family must have held their breath in shock as they had the same weird thought. Could the tycoon be— How is that possible?! It just doesn't add up.

At the same time on the live broadcast showing on the television, the tycoon stepped on the podium. Slowly, he lifted his head and smiled.

The camera zoomed in as he addressed them politely, "Congratulations to everyone who managed to attend this bidding event."

"Kian?!" Someone from the Wilson's family shrieked.

"My goodness!"

"How is this possible?"

"How can the mysterious tycoon that took Valoria Prime city by storm be this lowlife?!"

"Am I dreaming? Someone wake me up!"

The Wilson's family were shocked and unable to move. Well, not everyone... Douglas was staring at the television screen with a thoughtful expression.

He w
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