0059: Fooled Us All!
"Hahaha!" Edward burst into laughter and wiped off the tears from the rims of his eyes. "Nephew in-law, you are trying to test us, right? You are trying to see if we are reliable. That's a funny joke!"

After hearing his words, the heartbeats of the other Wilson's family members returned to normal and they also laughed heartily.

For a second, they almost had a heart attack. This son-in-law is really commendable. Is this how billionaires act? Meanwhile, Kian's eyes squinted; it seemed they didn't take him seriously.

"Nephew in-law," Another relative called out. "Five hundred million is not a small investment. We assure you. If you help us, we will show you just how trustworthy we can be!"

"Yes! We will be your most reliable ally!" Another affirmed and everyone voiced their agreement one after the other.

"Please, forgive our previous behaviors. We are not usually like that."

"We were blinded by our greed. From now on, you are one of us. We won't treat you in that manner ever
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