Eagle High vs. Tottem Urchins

Coach said, "Alright guys, take your seats. The match is going to start." His students rushed to their seats in the dugout. "Watch carefully, because after this I will ask questions. "

"Hey coach, can I sit with Draven?"

Becky said and sauntered to the last row. Coach ran a hand down his face, said "Fine, but please don't interrupt"

Becky giggled. "Don't worry, sir"

She leaned against his shoulder; a hand ran down her back. She whispered, "You heard him, you better behave."

"Fine" Draven grunted.

A holographic screen dropped before them. Coach sat in the front with his trainers.

Thomas Walter marched with his team in a strict formation, kicking sand clouds in the air. Osborne yawned. "Boring"

The rest chuckled. Coach grunted. "Silence!" they suppressed their snicker.

From the other side, a group of girls stood on a wave, leaning over the shore.

The commentator announced. "The match between Eagle High and Tottem Hi

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