First Match!

The bus descended; skirting above the city, students gasped at the sights and clamored among themselves as they got closer to their destination. The bus announced "We will be reaching Squidid Highschool in two minutes"

Coach Fredrickson's eyes flickered to the autonomous voice, waking from his nap. He stretched his arms and took a glance at his com.

"Ah, just on time" he muttered under his breath, his large hands clutched the bench rest and pulled himself to his feet.

He walked to the front and cleared his throat, grasping his student's attention. Coach said "Listen up, guys! Before we get down, I need you, guys to make a promise"

Few of them, blurted "Promise?" "Sir, what kind of promise?"

His eyebrows waggled on his stern expression, Coach said "Yes, I want you guys to try to be on your best behavior"

A boy exclaimed "That's it?"

Coach said "Yes, that's it"

"What? Sir, that is too easy!"

"Yes, I know Brent but for some

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