• Both Naked On The Bed

Renée opened her eyes and looked around. She was in a room and beside her was Jason. It registered in her senses that the both of them were naked under the duvet.

She shot up into a straightened position and then dragged the duvet around her chest, covering her nudity. All her extra movement seemed to wake Jason up.

His eyes fluttered open as his face twisted into a small frown. “What's going on?” He asked in a gravelly voice, rubbing his eyes.

“What's going on? I should be the one asking you! What the hell is going on?!” Her voice was sharp and accusatory.

It wasn't until he also realized that the both of them were naked that all the sleep cleared from his eyes.

“What happened?” The Voice, you couldn't remember much except for the fact that he was with his friend Luke.

He pressed his hands against his temples, “ugh my head. Where's Luke?”

At this point she was clearly irritated. “Who the fuck is Luke? And why are we on the bed together, naked?”

“I have no idea, I'm equally as c
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