• Enemies Will Come For You!

The car was was hot on their trail and despite the drivers attempt to lose it, it was still racing after them.

Ethan immediately suspected that it was probably one of Cyrus's men. They took a sharp turn into a street and the car followed them.

He looks back at the car to see if there was a plate number, but there was none. It was definitely a shady car.

Luckily the driver was able to speed past the corner and then a truck that was coming out of that same corner blocked the way unintentionally causing their pursuers to lose them.

“They were just trying to scare us, Cyrus is still out there, I know it.” Ethan pulled Valerie into a hug. It was already late at night so they headed straight home.

Elizabeth opened the door. “Thank goodness you're home, I prepared dinner I've been waiting for you two.”

She stepped aside and granted them entry into the house. They all went to the dining area to have their meal, and Elizabeth brought the food.

The aroma was enticing and their mouths water
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