• Final Verdict

The members of the school board were all seated only around the table and Mr Donovan along with the vice chancellor were standing before them.

Just outside the room, Skyler was seated on some chairs waiting for the verdict, Raul was there with her and the interlocked fingers while Irene was in the background pacing back and forth.

All attempts to reach Ethan had been futile so it was almost impossible to get him to do something about it, for now they were on their own and had to fix this mess.

Back inside the office, Mr Donovan was defending Skyler. “It's unfair, you can't just expel a student on the basis of self-defense. What would you rather have her do? Sit there and watch her friend get seriously hurt and potentially killed?”

One of the women sitting there adjusted on her seat, “Why didn't she call the authorities? Taking law into her own hands is never justifiable, no matter how you try to put it Mr Donovan.”

Donovan had always been in the bad books of the school board, the t
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