• Skyler's Packing

Skyler was on her own folding her clothes when the door opened and Elizabeth walked in. “My dear do you need help with that?” She asked softly.

“No I'm good,” she responded gloomly without raising her head.

Her mother stood by the threshold of the door, watching her daughter with teary eyes. Never did she think she would see the day when Skyler would be going to school.

Back then when they were still under the evil clutch of the Vanguards, Desmond had said something to her which she kept a secret from everybody.

That night he was in his home office, working. Although Skyler was not done with high school at the time, Elizabeth thought it wise to bring it to his notice that Skyler would soon be going to university and of course would be needing financial support.

She knocked on the door. “Yes, come in.” She hesitantly moved forward, unsure of how to respond.

“Good evening sir,” Elizabeth said with a shaky voice.

He paused, clenching his jaws as he stared at her with murderous inte
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