Dale had been restrained and disarmed of the scroll, by none other than the Lich. Who gave it a once over before chuckling. "That's funny, but.. Nooo.." He hissed in raving whispers. The lich latched onto his arm with a twisted glee. "Fooood…"
A bioluminescent green wisping flame spreads slowly across his forearm. Seeping joyfully into any cracks and creavess found. Dale struggled helplessly, to no avail. All his mana had been sapped when he used the scroll. All he needed was the last string of words. However he couldn't speak under the force of this monster, he still hoped. Not wanting to let go of life so easily, Dale still had much to live for, so much to learn and see, so experience, why should he die here? He won't hand his life to anyone, but the moment that wicked magic touched him. The will of mind and body almost broke in an instant.

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The Lich System Raid
Tap* Tap* Tap*Boney finger tapped the cracked stone upon the thrones armrest. Staring blatantly at his system and the numbers with a twinkling light dimly sparking in his fiery eyes.[Lich system]Name: DuthLv[1][Stats]Hp: 10/10 +30% bonusMp:15/15 +30% bonusSP: 6SM: 125Skills: Fire missile[Lv.1], Raise dead[Lv.1], Harvest[Lv.1]
The Lich System The Lich System
[Would you like to upgrade the system? it will cost you 500 SM][Yes/No?][Yes]###Duth didn't know what he expected, a congratulations? Or an anti-climatic upgrade, but this? This was outside his rotten box.At first there was a long delay, expecting nothing more than some subtitle little notification.However, it wasn't so small and the effect was instantaneous. Layers of magical circles flickered into existence, spanning up into the skies and outwards like a machine of gears. Such runes were not physical, nor could he decipher them.Duth stood there
The Lich System Losing The Battle
Adilen signed as he looked down at the messenger. How did this happen? An enemy army appeared within the city? There shouldn't have been a feasible way to breach the city like that, the harbor was protected, so was here at the other end of the pass, finally the sewers were guarded and closed shut. 'Unless.. No.. You'd have to be magically adept for that, there are no wizards of my knowledge anywhere near this city. Nor did we make enemies with one.' Perhaps they were already hidden in the city? Ready to strike when they weren't looking and their manpower was low? That's seemed far more feasible than any mystical scroll that could warp you to a very specific location. One he would rather believe instead. He can't deal with them until he deals with the city walls defenses who were under siege by a rather large bandit army. However, that didnt mean the troops in the walls can't, he grabbed his warhorn, there were two actually. One was for the front; it was more thunderous, though it ha
The Lich System But Not The War
His quest was simple: raise an army, slay the city. Sounds evil, or rather off put from his true goal, but he ignored it. He didn't need to care for humanity. If he did, it would be counterintuitive to his plans.With his forces on the move, much of the attacks were hit and run. Having Death knights storm the houses they passed, whilst undead continued down the road. Duth harvested the bodies after they were unceremoniously thrown into a pile at his skeleton feet. The souls were gone, the bodies weren't theirs anymore, who would care? Him? No. Why? Well when you 'live' long enough you tend not to give two toots about some fleshy vessel that can hold your soul. I mean c'mon, they're heavy, they take high maintenance and cost more resources than anything he's seen. Being dead was better, he tended to convince many of that in a very unconventional manner.
The Lich System Ambush
Roger had no time to work with, just as he realized and tried to warn his troops. It was already too late! The dark alleyways which appeared normally dark upon first glance, but at closer inspection were too dark. He now knew why. This had been one of the few clues to the events to occur. Now they were happening to his dismay. Out from the dark alleyways from both sides came massive 9 foot giants of black steel, wicked swords, and a passion in their eyes. Behind them skeletons mingled with a zombie or 5 came charging in. Surrounding the army and crashing into their sides.Many weren't ready and in turn promptly taken apart for it. Their bodies were torn asunder by blades, boney fingers and meaty stubs. Well the last part were the zombies attempts at helping. A helping stub of flesh is still helpful.. A bit messy..Bones dug into skin
The Lich System War At The Front
To become a wizard, one needs to understand their life will be ever full of learning. To become a wizard is to become a scholar. You have to understand the pros and cons of being a medium to those magical arts. You cannot just throw yourself in without knowledge, for the world is like a human body, if you were to operate on it without an idea, you would cause yourself harm. Not the world, but your body. A wizard needs to know the basics. How does magic work? How does it flow? How can you adjust it to your own? How do you speak it?To focus on the basics there are 4 steps. First you must collect knowledge, regardless of what it is, it will help greatly on your journey. The more you know, the better you will be. The second step is to understand lylinks, which is a web of linking mana veins across the planet. You need to know how to draw from them, where they are, and what not to do. The 3rd step is to learn the arcane language, which will greatly help you to read runes, and partly how
The Lich System Stalemate
Wizards are unfortunately rare in the world, across the entire planet there are barely 70 million, that may sound like a lot but surveys speak of 9 to 10 billion people in our world, twice as many beasts and other beings alike. Wizards are just as important too, be it for mortal, demigod, beast or even other issues to be had. Without wizard's how will society function in a world where magic is our best friend?Ah, apologies readers. I get quite heated about everyday problems. Now where was i? Ah, the second stage of wizardry. Before we had talked about the basics, now pets start at the real beginning of the magical arts. You see magic is extensive, there are hundreds of thousands of variant spells and even more should you add runes into the mix. Every day new spells are created, but so are the requirements to summon said spells. Granted the Novice stage of wizardry you will not be touching spells for you must learn about them first. Now do not believe that you should have learnt this
The Lich System Life Or Death
Did you know there were other classings then wizardry, dear reader? There are many classes. With techniques, magic, and several paths which allow what shouldn't normally be possible. Like Blade mages, barbarian's and even runewalkers. But of course we will reach those in due time. For each one is a novel of itself. To which, dear readers, I have not the time to tell you. But let us reach the basics shall we?Volume 1, Classes. By Oscar Lepo, Blades Master Of Dawn.His consuming became a bad habit, thank goodness he was undead or he might have been labeled clinically insane for craving the flesh of the living, more so humans.. not to mention his raise dead skill was proving very useful, but it was much harder to level up than normal. More often than not he had to rest and regain his Mp to continue his army growth. Houses grew fewer and soon he found himself next to a vast graveyard. Only a stone and iron fence separating him. With the command of his Death knights his undead stepped up
Latest Chapter
March On The Walls
Duth decided to march on the walls. Gathering a 1000 strong skeletons to serve as vanguard, whilst he poked each knight, instilling 120 SM into each of their bodies. He was made aware that SM isn't just power to him, but his undead too. At which point he made sure the 120 SM didn't fall into their overall strength, but their ability to withstand a greater yield of damage for a temporary time as damage would whittle away his implanted SM. Supposedly so they don't perish as he realized they were rather rare to him right now and losing any more would continue to be a great blow to his forces. Assuming that each normal attack against them could take 5 SM to heal whereas stronger attacks like heavy attacks would take 20 or magically strong may even take 50ish maybe 60. He had 5 knights left, he preferred if they lived longer than how they have been so far. Whilst his thoughts were on this a powerful soul signature appeared ahead. Whilst a spell materialized with 4 magical circles, the spe
21 corpses yielded a great amount of SM, but they served to be an even greater unit. "Rise" Wicked flame engulfed the bodies, their eyes shot open. Rotting eyeballs burning away, skin drying and stretching across their bones. Equipment shifted in place. Loosely hanging on to the corpse. The mummified Huron rose, slowly lifting the warhammer. Duth chuckled "No, that's mine. You grab a sword." The mummy groaned with a whine, clearly sad about losing a good item. As he still had his- "The ring of fireball too" now the mummy wasn't willing to part with that. But Duth broke off the finger with the ring to prevent the mummy resisting. He tossed the finger and ring into his inventory, alongside the warhammer. The mummy groaned again, dissatisfied. "Relax, you have a ring of shielding" Duth booped the undead on the head before flicking his head over to his brethren. "Go join the others, we have work to do" Duth even went ahead and recharged the ring of shielding as the mummy shuffled past
Desperate Battle Pt 3
Huron stepped forward, the ground rumbled lightly. A sense of perpetual danger encompassing Duth's senses, whilst the Warhammer buzzed with torrents of lightning!ZOOM!A blast of sound followed by a conjuration of speed encasing the flying torpedo of said Warhammer! KASHZINK!Sidestepping he conjured [Barrier] to take an indirect non lethal blow! The warhammer slid off with a torrent of lightning snaking across the barrier, attempting to breach it. Duth felt the shock fighting to reach him. Granted that was the least of his problems!Huron was already on top of him. A blur of a shadow followed by a powerful punch alerted him to Huron's sudden presence! Crack! Hie Barrier cracked, followed by another, the punch did not reach him, but it did break his barrier. Huron moved to fling out another punch just as fast and deadly. Duth's rage welled up in his eyes, pouring over as a crimson aura built swiftly, expanding out in am explosion of fierce rage! [Soul fiery]Huron shot back as th
Desperate Battle Pt 2
Duth slowly rose to his feet, glancing at his Hp and Mp as they regenerated slowly.Hp: 12/30Mp: 2/50It is clear he needed levels, or a few spells would put him on empty easily. 'Nearly kill him, but do not end him. I eish to exicute him myself' The knight did not respond, but he felt its agreement. It too was aware of the system.. The dead knew of it, but could not see it or interact with it. He wasnt sure how they were aware, but perhaps its the aura of the Gatekeeper that they can subtitly pick up.That said, the knight lunged at Huron. Who had not truly registered the situation yet. The knight brought its wicked blade down, Huron's Warhammer chimed. Before the knight met resistance, Huron glaring up whilst his hand gripped the deadly side of the blade. Blood trailing down its edge, before the Knight knew it Huron spartan kicked its knee, breaking bone and armor alike. The knight fell, before its torso caved in as the warhammer slammed into it, forcing the knight back with snaki
Desperate Battle
Huron felt a chill run up his spine. A creeping fear turning his heart cold. Duth felt amused. This is a normal to mankind, fear first, terror next and then.. Death. Although he was being hypocritical, he didn't ponder on it enough to care. Only he faltered, there was a slight shift in the atmosphere. Huron's eyes turned just as cold and murderous. The fear bled away, replaced by a look Duth did not believe he would see in this day and age, look of determination, and defiance. Not something he expected. Especially from an adventurer within this city. Hurons voice seemingly deepened and spoke again "You 3 support the others. This one, is mind" The fighters that were behind him split off without a word. They felt an unprecedented commanding tone of that kind left no room for discussion. Huron cracked his neck, before his muscles bulged. He inhaled a deep gale. The air pressure weighs down on the lich. He felt the mental pressure excluding off of him as he inhaled. His soul vision blin
Many factions populate Garlen, it is only natural that we understand their movements overallGuardsmen, Under the command of Adilen, the military forces struggle to keep the enemies at bay, even if the inner walls are just as chaotic. Although their numbers dwindle every waking moment of their nightmare. They still fight on, in hopes of surviving the beginning of dark times. Even after the fall of the city Adilen rallied his troops and prepared to retreat inwards, even sending a messenger to the bandits for a truce. They must fight the common enemy first. As the city gates opened a man rose out with a grim expression. Riding for the army that had all but halted the invasion!Whilst Larks army had halted their advance. This great horde of savages have yet found a name for their forces. Only finding their situation of unity temporarily, that said Lark their commander has promised riches under his command. Now they invade Garhen in hopes of raiding the city before winter strikes. Granted
Life Or Death
Did you know there were other classings then wizardry, dear reader? There are many classes. With techniques, magic, and several paths which allow what shouldn't normally be possible. Like Blade mages, barbarian's and even runewalkers. But of course we will reach those in due time. For each one is a novel of itself. To which, dear readers, I have not the time to tell you. But let us reach the basics shall we?Volume 1, Classes. By Oscar Lepo, Blades Master Of Dawn.His consuming became a bad habit, thank goodness he was undead or he might have been labeled clinically insane for craving the flesh of the living, more so humans.. not to mention his raise dead skill was proving very useful, but it was much harder to level up than normal. More often than not he had to rest and regain his Mp to continue his army growth. Houses grew fewer and soon he found himself next to a vast graveyard. Only a stone and iron fence separating him. With the command of his Death knights his undead stepped up
Wizards are unfortunately rare in the world, across the entire planet there are barely 70 million, that may sound like a lot but surveys speak of 9 to 10 billion people in our world, twice as many beasts and other beings alike. Wizards are just as important too, be it for mortal, demigod, beast or even other issues to be had. Without wizard's how will society function in a world where magic is our best friend?Ah, apologies readers. I get quite heated about everyday problems. Now where was i? Ah, the second stage of wizardry. Before we had talked about the basics, now pets start at the real beginning of the magical arts. You see magic is extensive, there are hundreds of thousands of variant spells and even more should you add runes into the mix. Every day new spells are created, but so are the requirements to summon said spells. Granted the Novice stage of wizardry you will not be touching spells for you must learn about them first. Now do not believe that you should have learnt this
War At The Front
To become a wizard, one needs to understand their life will be ever full of learning. To become a wizard is to become a scholar. You have to understand the pros and cons of being a medium to those magical arts. You cannot just throw yourself in without knowledge, for the world is like a human body, if you were to operate on it without an idea, you would cause yourself harm. Not the world, but your body. A wizard needs to know the basics. How does magic work? How does it flow? How can you adjust it to your own? How do you speak it?To focus on the basics there are 4 steps. First you must collect knowledge, regardless of what it is, it will help greatly on your journey. The more you know, the better you will be. The second step is to understand lylinks, which is a web of linking mana veins across the planet. You need to know how to draw from them, where they are, and what not to do. The 3rd step is to learn the arcane language, which will greatly help you to read runes, and partly how