Chapter 397 Meeting His Son

Tuesday. Elaine is abruptly awakened from the sleep she barely managed to get after hours of crying in pain and despair.

The calmness of sleep turned into extreme irritation when Elaine discovered it wasn't the alarm clock but her phone that woke her up!

"Who could it be at this hour?" she grumbles as she picks up the phone.

Seeing that it's Matthew's number, Elaine promptly answers, "Hello?"

On the other end, Matthew is already dressed in a fine linen suit, sitting on the sofa of his suite. "Hello, Elaine. I need to meet with Lawrence Vieira today. Arrange the meeting."

"WHAT?" Elaine is shocked to hear her fiancé's request. "Why didn't you tell me yesterday?"

"You seemed to be asleep," Matthew didn't ask, he sort of accused Elaine.

"I WAS asleep! I took a long time to fall asleep!" Elaine complained.

"And why did you take so long to sleep?" Matthew provokes her.

"Don't be impertinent, Matt. You know very well why I took so long to sleep. Besides, I intended to handle other
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