Chapter 419 Cindy Feels Outraged

At Silva Oil Company, Fernando and Ronaldo discuss how Patricia can participate in the company as a spokeswoman.

Ronaldo rubs his chin thoughtfully. “Patty, how about you take part in the informational commercials we produce for the public?”

Patricia ponders for a moment. “The family model is Jackson.”

Fernando makes a face, pretending to be disgusted. “Ew. We don’t want something sexy to attract the ladies’ attention. We want you, being beautiful and demure, appealing to the general public.”

Patricia laughs. “Ha, ha, ha… Come on, guys? Jackson can help too.”

“Yes, by acting as a seductive dockworker, shirtless, flexing his muscles while carrying heavy crates of goods.” Fernando doubles down on the teasing, causing Patricia to laugh even more.

“Enough, Dad, too much detail.” Ronaldo shakes his head. “Patty, I was thinking of something more informative and civic, like, for example, our commercials informing people that we’ve never had an oil spill, ruining the sea and marine life.”

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