Chapter Ninety-Five

“Bite me!” He said through drool and gritted teeth.

Aidan didn't even let the words come out fully from his mouth when he replaced them with two blows.



Zayed wobbled his head around as blood spilled from the cut on his nose, resulting from a broken cartilage. Aidan gripped his collars tightly, as drips of blood dotted on them. He angled his hand backward, his fist balled tightly, ready to deal another blow to him.

“Wait!” He yelled out. “I know where he is” He paused and spat out the stained drool in his mouth. He looked him dead in his gray cold eyes laughing. “Do whatever you want, you’ll never get it out of me.”

“But nothing will make it come out of my mouth” He sneered and started laughing again.

Aidan was so peeved that he moved back, for some seconds before diving and gripping his neck tighter. He lowered his head to his ears.

“Keep it, savor it but one thing, you’ll soon join your counterparts in rotting in jail” He snickered.

He brought his eyes to his an
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