The door was suddenly flung open and Eden’s heart lurched with it. He tried running, but a huge burly man had him dangling by his collar and something cold pressed against his throat. Eden stopped moving when he realized there was a gun to his neck.Fear gripped him. Real fear, and it paralyzed him and his senses. 

   The man’s nostrils flared and he gazed into Eden’s  eyes. He frowned slightly and dropped Eden slowly, deigning him unfit to be a threat. He lowered his gun, sizing Eden up and pulling him aside from prying eyes.

   “Who are you?” the man demanded and Eden’s gaze dropped to the gun in the man’s tight grasp. One wrong move, one wrong breath and he might just shoot him. He shivered, and it had nothing to do with the chilly air in the hospital. Just how did he keep finding himself in these sorts of situations? It would seem he had a penchant for trouble and terrible situations, seeing as he kept landing in them when he wasn’t even trying.

  His lips parted to answer, but he couldn’t produce words. He closed them, having much resemblance to a gaping fish. He tried again, willing his fear away and he said, “I—I am Eden. I. . .I found him yesterday, brought him here for treatment. . .inured—“ he stuttered unintelligently.

  He had no idea what he was saying, but he kept talking. “I just wanted to see if he was alright after yesterday. I said I would check back. I just came! I swear I didn’t hear anything. I just came to check on--“

   Gratefully, the man interrupted from the ward. “Come in, Eden Vangot,” the man spoke and his voice was filled with power and dominance. He was not the kind of man you said no to. How Eden didn’t notice this the day before was beyond him.

   And he sure as hell didn’t want to go inside. What if they killed him?

  “I can see that you have recovered and are doing very well.There is no need to check on you anymore. Have a good day,” Eden said quickly, his voice trembling heavily.

  He turned slightly but he was stopped when he felt the small of his back being poked by the gun. “When Boss gives orders, you must follow them.”

   Eden gulped, sweat dripping from his hair, his temples, his neck—he was pretty much sweating everywhere.

  “It’s alright, capo. Let him come in. You can keep the gun away,” the man said without looking at them. Though he seemed reluctant to drop the gun, the capo did and Eden couldn’t help the sharp sigh of relief that left him when the pressure of the gun against his skin was gone.

   He walked forward carefully, placing himself far from the both men as he took up the left corner of the ward.

  “You may leave us now,” the man said, still not looking up from the tablet he was surfing through.  Eden shifted uncomfortably, wondering why the man had asked him to enterand then asked him to leave.

  “Not you, Eden Vangot,” The man said, raising his head for the first time. His intense gaze focused on the capo dressed in all black and he jerked his head toward the door. “You can leave.”

   “Boss,” the man began to protest, gazing at Eden with distrust.“You’re sure—“

   The man raised his bandaged hand, shunning the capo in a fashion Eden found extremely elegant. “It is alright. He saved me yesterday. He is the one I spoke of. The one who will take over as CEO.”

   Eden couldn’t possibly have heard right. Who was going to take over as CEO? CEO of where and what? It surely couldn’t be him. He must have misheard or misunderstood. Still, it didn’t stop his heart from racing with the possibilities of it being true. Why would he be picked for such a job? The man didn’t know him or his qualifications. Why pick him? Assuming it was true that he was really going to be the CEO of someplace.

   The capo bowed slightly and narrowed a warning glare that had Eden shifting uncomfortably before he left.

   “You may sit,” the man said, gesturing to the plastic chair off to the side of the bed. Eden looked at the chair and swallowed.

   “I’m fine here, thank you.”

   The man met his gaze and laughed heartily. “You do not have to be scared. I will not harm you. I am indebted to you and I will never forget what you have done for me. I give you my word that I will never harm you and I always keep my word. Now, MrVangot, you may sit.”

   Eden knew better than to argue, so howbeit grudgingly, he lowered himself onto the chair, resting his back against it.

   “I am Arnold,” the man said, extending his hand toward Eden for a shake, and Eden gripped it firmly, shaking it in return.“And I am Eden Vangot, but you already know that.”

    Arnold nodded. “You see, I am a wealthy man with so many things in my name, but I am lacking of an heir to pass down my company to.”

   Eden shrugged. “You can give a family member you trust. I am sure there must be a lot within your family that qualify for the position of CEO over a complete stranger of whom you know nothing about.”

    Arnold peered into his tablet again and when he began to speak, Eden knew he was in deep shit. “Eden Vangot. Twenty-eight.Raised by single mother, Kaitlin. Married to Elaine Zend, heiress of business tycoon Francis Zend. Unemployed with high qualifications.”

   Arnold raised his head once more, peering at Eden intensely.“Shall I go further?”

  Eden watched the man underneath a hooded gaze. How had he found out nearly everything about him, down to his mother's name? This had to be the scariest encounter he'd had.

   "You must be wondering how i have gathered so much about you in such a short frame of time. I was curious as to who would stand out amongst the crowd to help a man that was being robbed, placing himself in danger for someone he barely knew, and take a beating for not having enough money to pay for the fare used to bring me here. I had to know more about the mysterious man who saved me and promised to come back and check on me."

   Eden was at a loss of words.

 The man pressed further either ignoring Eden's terror stricken expression or not noticing it. "To your previous question, I'm afraid I do not have a family to pass down my company to. It has always been the one thing I have been unable to accomplish in my life. I don't have a family to pass down this wealth to. It is why I have chosen you."

    Eden shook his head. "It still doesn't make sense that you would choose me. I'm sure you have a lot of other options, like liquidating your assets and--"

     The man cut in swiftly, shutting Eden up. "My company is my life. I have given my entire life to keeping it running. I will not dissolve my investments just because I'm getting old."

  Eden pressed his lips into a grim line. "So you'll make me your CEO? Why?"

   The man flexed his fingers and discarded the expensive tab by his side, looking Eden fully in the eye. "You have every quality of the man I have been searching for for years, to take over my company and see to it that it grows."

   "Me? You would entrust me with something so big? I must say that you are wrong about me

Your informants have failed to tell you that I bring nothing but pain and ill luck wherever I go. This arrangement will probably be like every other and will not end well for you."

   He laughed again. "You are not an incompetent man. Your in-laws only hate you so much that they would rather sabotage you than see you succeed."

       Eden already knew that but it still shocked him of how deeply they loathed him. He thought about the man's offer. It truly was a great offer. He was yet to find out what company the man owned but if it meant he would be getting paid enough to cater for himself and Elaine, then he would take the job.

   He could almost imagine their faces when he told them he had gotten a good job and took Elaine from their house. The more he considered it, the more pictures of a freer life bombarded him and he grew more and more enticed by the idea of being... capable. Rich.

   Elaine would be so happy. He would buy her clothes and shoes and make her the happiest woman in the world. He would prove that he wasn't so useless after all. He would prove that he was worth her affection, her love and her time. He would prove that getting married to him had not been a mistake.

   So he rolled over the idea in his head and thought he hated how desperate he might look, he considered taking the offer.

   "There isn't more to this? You only need a successor and that is why you picked me? I'm not getting myself entangled in something dangerous, am I?"

   "When you begin to work in my company, you will understand the need to have them around. Do not bother yourself with these minute details. I will ensure you enjoy working with us, Eden. So accept my offer as a thank you for saving my life. I truly am grateful."

    Eden let out a sigh, trying not to look too desperate as he said,"All of these seems all too fast and unexpected and I don't know if I can trust you, Mr Arnold. It's happening too quickly."

    The man snorted. "You do not have to trust me to become my CEO. All you have to do is say yes and let me change your life, Eden Vangot. Before long, your name will be known to all as CEO. You will no longer need to walk the streets, going from door to door on search of a job. You will no longer need to endure the insults from your in-laws. You will no longer go to bed starving. It is the least I can do to repay a life debt. Accept my offer, Mr Vangot. You know you will only have this once in a life time."

    Eden nodded before he could think it through and decide against it. The man was right. Where in the world was he going to find someone else who would offer him the world on a silver platter? No one else.

   "Yes. I'd love to work with you, Arnold."

    He handed Eden a key, with a serious expression. "This key might be the end of you if you don't keep it safe. I trust you'll know what to do with it."

Eden took the key, feeling both grateful and confused. He didn't understand what was going on, or what he had gotten himself into. But before he could ask any questions, Arnold's manager called him and he had to take the call. He handed Eden a business card and a phone before leaving him.

  Eden left, confused. What on earth just happened?

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