Eliana's heart was pounding as she ran through the dense jungle, trying to put as much distance as possible between herself and Vincent's men who were fast catching up with her. She could hear their footsteps pounding behind her, their harsh breaths sounding like growls in her ears. She couldn't afford to stop, else the key got to Vincent.

"Stop running, Eliana!" Vincent's voice boomed behind her. "It's pointless. We'll catch you eventually." Vincent growled as he increased his pace.

Eliana didn't dare turn around, she could feel his eyes on her back, burning into her like hot coals. She knew he was right, knew that she couldn't outrun them forever. But it was better than giving in to his callous threat. The key had to be protected at all cost, let it get into the wrong hands and Vincent isn't the best option to be in possession of the keys.

As she ran, she noticed a flowing river through the trees and increased her pace. Without giving much thought to it, she changed course and ran t
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