The next morning came with a visit from Vincent. He wore a big smile on his face as he gazed at his prisoners who looked pale and pitiful.

“You both look like mere trash!” He suddenly dropped while Eden clenched his fist and gulped down hard.

He walked around them in circles as though trying to pounce on any of them at any minute. Eden followed him sternly with his eyes, not trusting any single move he made at that point.

“You ready for another torture?” Vincent taunted as he crouched low until his face met that of Eliana that was red with rage.

“Ohh! Someone doesn’t seem so pleased with that!” He said and broke into a scornful laughter.

Eliana scoffed and looked away, not wanting to show her emotions to his face.

He gestured for one of the men to bring the whip over and in a split second, he pointed it at Eliana.

“It’s so unfortunate that you get to take more of the whip…I intend to hurt Eden to the core and the only way I get to achieve it is hurting you”, Vincent said as he clicked
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