At this point, Eden was at his wits end and the only thing he considered was institutionalizing Eliana. Deep down, he knew that it was a bad idea, but there was nothing he could do about it. His wife nearly shot Arnold and if he had not intervened on time, Arnold would have been dead. Thoughts of that sent cold chills running down his spine and inasmuch as he concluded that there was nothing much to be scared about, he was scared to the peak.

He called for Emily since she was the closest person to Eliana at the moment. Eden knew that she wasn’t fully trusted by them at this point, but he could say that Emily could handle the information he had at hand.

“It’s about Eliana”, Eden dropped as he clenched his fist and looked away hurriedly.

He was greatly sad and overwhelmed with how the situation was going and the last thing he wanted was making such a suggestion about his wife.

“Ever since Arnold’s return, something have been off with her. Earlier today, she tried to kill him with a gun”
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