After the encounter with the strange people, Eden and Arnold became stranded in the middle of a ravine.

They had been following a long river, in hopes that it would lead them to Eliana and the key. However, they didn’t expect the drop in the terrain.

“This is all your fault! You picked this location and now, it seems like we are lost”, Eden suddenly said as he turned to look at Arnold who was looking around and trying to decipher the next part to head to.

“My fault? You would have stopped me when you saw me walking towards here…but instead, you supported me and walked with me”, Arnold scoffed and rolled his eyes at Eden who was now beginning to get enraged with the way and manner things were beginning to turn.

“This is all your fault! Tell me…are you trying to see that we suffer?” Eden asked and for a minute, Arnold thought that he had heard wrongly.

He took a step closer to Eden who was looking at him with a dead glare, not batting an eyelid.

“And what do you want to do?” Arnold a
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