Desperate pursuit

"So, it's a deal?" Richard stood up, and stretched his hand forward to shake Vincent, but he got Vincent's cigarette on his hand instead. He didn't say anything to Vincent, because he was scared of him. Vincent had agreed to help him to take revenge on Eden on one condition: he would be paid a huge sum of money after getting a share of the company. Richard instantly agreed, because he was planning on betraying Vincent after the revenge was done. The rest of that day went really well for Richard, as he couldn't stop thinking about the looks on Eden's face, when he saw that Richard had arrived, but he didn't come alone.


Elaina was feeling weird that night. She couldn't explain how she was feeling to Eden, because she didn't know what was wrong with her. Her temperature was high and her eyes burned whenever the light got turned on. Eden suspected that she had a fever and he told her to lay down and rest for a while, before she finally slept off. H
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