Sapphire was already half an hour late for an appointment with a big shot company. She drove roughly into the drive way and didn’t wait for the car to stop before coming down.
“Lady watch it.” A lady screamed as she almost hit her.
“ Sorry.” She said as turned off the car. “I’m in a hurry.” She said as she ran into the company’s building.
“You’re late.” Clyde said when she met him at the hallway. “ They went into the elevator together and Clyde tapped the top floor.
“I know. Did you keep them busy?” She pouted.
“You’re lucky you’re the best in the industry. “
“I’m glad I could keep them. I still have to pay my boss for the damages.” She sighed.
“Why don’t you just quit that job? You have enough to live off for now.” Clyde said thoughtfully and she glared at him.
“That job is the only thing keeping the police off my back. Do you think if I wasn’t working as a bartender I wouldn’t have become a major suspect?” She scoffed.
“You’re a licensed scientist. No one would suspect you that easily. Besides you also dance at the club…..”
“That is not a job. It’s just a hobby.“
“Still no one’s going to suspect you.” Clyde sighed.
“I just love serving beers.” She winked. The elevator’s door dinged and they came out. Clyde led her into the conference room where two men and a lady were seated.
“Sorry I’m late guys. Heavy traffic.” She said cutely as she flaunted her long hair.
“Let’s just carry on with the business on ground. I hope you guys are as good as they say.” The first man said and Clyde nodded.
“We’re the best.” Clyde said with a huge smile.
“ Good cause you’re going against a ruthless company. We want you to sneak into the company’s hard drive and sneak out unnoticed.” The lady among them said.
“That’s our job. So I get it that you want the other company’s blueprint.” She asked and they nodded. “If I make ask, why?”
“ That is none of your concern. Your job is to get into the company, copy their blueprint and come out without getting caught. That’s what you’re paid to do. We’ll expect results in a week.”
“ What if the blueprint isn’t in the company?”
“Then you find it wherever it is. My assistant will send details of the company and its security details. Make sure there’re no mistakes. Your reputation……
“I know what my reputation is. You don’t have to worry about your precious blueprints. I’ll contact you when the job is done.” Sapphire said and stood up. She didn’t wait for them to say something else before she left with Clyde.
“Remember to name them as the worst client of the year.” Sapphire blew air from her mouth.
“Why are Italians competitive?” Clyde scoffed.
“We’re all competitive.” Sapphire sighed.
Draco was walking around the empire searching for any defaulters to punish when he ran into Spirit who was trying to hide.
“I’m so sorry boss. I wanted to go back on time….. Lord Derrick…….” She stuttered.
“The law was for everyone to be in their rooms around eleven. Why are you still out?” He asked daringly.
“I’m sorry boss. Punish me.” She fell to her knees.
“I’ll punish you alright.” He said and squatted to her height.
“You’re a floor member…..
“Yes my lord.”
“Good. Two days in the ice dungeon.” He said dangerously and she gulped. No one could live in the ice dungeon for two days. You’ll freeze to death. “You don’t have to worry. The door would be open thrice a day. This empire needs more people not killing it’s members.” He signaled one of the men who were in the environment and they took her to the dungeon.
“She was really with me. “ Derrick said as he walked towards with his right hand on his gun.
“You should have known better than to let her go when it was curfew. We have enough traitors already.” Draco said and Derrick chuckled.
“Whoa look at you playing the ruthless guy.” Derrick teased.
“I set those rules. I should be able to enforce them even if it’s one of your playthings.” Draco said and walked away.
“Rude bastard.” Derrick chuckled and strolled behind him.
“Stop following me.” Draco scoffed. “We have different departments to take care of, go face your department brother.” He said and Derrick held a stifled laughter.
Sapphire was just coming out of the laboratory when she sighted Clyde’s car from afar. She flagged him down and stopped a few metres from where she was.
“You’re supposed to stop at the front of the lab.” She scoffed as she got into the car.
“And miss all the fun of watching you walk in the sun, nah….” He chuckled. She grabbed his hair and he cried.
“Things like this make me wanna get my driver’s license.” She glared at him.
“You have a driver’s license. It was revoked because of your reckless driving.” Clyde groaned as he struggled to release her hand from his hair.
“I’m not a reckless driver. I’m the best driver in Italy.”
“You know I could kiss you in this position.” He said and she gulped.
“Pervert.” She said and let go of his hair.
“Where to, my lady?” He winked.
“Club.” She smiled.
“You’ll never change.” He shook his head. He dropped her off at the bar before continuing his journey home.
“You’re quite early.” The manager said immediately she started working.
“What do you mean I’m always early.” She shrugged.
“You’re always late.” The manager said and walked away.
“Stupid boss. You’re lucky I’m always in a good mood in this club otherwise I would cut off your pension long ago.” She glared hatefully at his retreating back.
“Your eyes would fall out at that rate.” A man said coldly and she scoffed.
“What’s your business?” She asked without looking at the owner of the voice. “I hate him.” She folded her fists tightly.
“Then quit.” The voice came again.
“Mind your fucking business!” She snapped. The man left without saying another word and she scoffed.
“Uncircumsized fool.” She muttered as she stared daggers at her boss. Someone coughed behind her and she turned.
“I’m just here to make sure you don’t do another stupid thing.” Clyde said and she scoffed.
“I’m not going to do anything stupid. He just makes me annoyed.” She groaned.
“You almost ruined his business with those thugs you used in setting him up. He should be the one annoyed.” Clyde chuckled.
“Well he doesn’t know that I did it. Get out of my way. I need to work.” She said and pushed his right shoulder.
Draco walked into the large building with Derrick and some top members of the gang. Their target tonight was the dreaded Tiger. They were supposed to exchanged drugs with him but knowing Tiger who always had other plans for his business partners, they came prepared. They were taken to an underground club where Tiger, a bulgy man with lots of tattoos on his body sat with some bitches surrounding him.
“Send them out.” Derrick said keeping a hard face and Tiger scoffed.
“Pleasure before business.” He said as he smacked the ass of the whore in front of him.
“ We don’t have that time to spare, Tiger.” Draco said getting irritated.
“Well you should learn some respect amigo. How dare you talk to me like that?” Tiger said and Draco chuckled.
“Do you want the pot or not?” Draco smirked and he fell silent. He sent the strippers away and sat with Draco and Derrick. They did the exchange successfully and were almost ending it peacefully until Draco sighted one of Tiger’s men drawing a weapon. Draco shot him before he could pull the trigger and a shoot out began.
“ Trying to outsmart us heh?” Derrick chuckled as he shot Tiger but he dodged it. Soon all Tiger’s men were down and only of few Draco’s men went down too.
“Shit!” Tiger cursed and tried to run but Draco was faster than him. He grabbed his collar and threw him down.
“ You’re just big for nothing.” Draco scoffed.
“Please don’t kill me. I promise I’ll pay you back for not killing me.” Tiger cried.
“Well isn’t this splendid? The great Tiger pleading for his life.” Derrick chuckled. “Shoot him!”
“No!” A car screeched into the room before Draco called pull the trigger and Tiger jumped. They shot at the car but it drove out with full speed.
“Shit.” Draco cursed.
“We didn’t know there was a way to come in underground.” Knife, Derrick’s girlfriend more like sex partner said.
“Hey genius. You’ve been on your phone for the past hour.” Clyde said as he tried to get Sapphire’s attention.
“I’m trying to get the location of the assistant MD. He’s the one with the blueprints. Seems he knew PS is after the company.” Sapphire muttered.
“Have you found it?” Clyde asked and she clicked her tongue.
“Yes I have. He has a date with some chick at Magnificent Hotel.” Sapphire smiled.
“Some MD he is dating chicks. Doesn’t he have a wife?” Clyde scoffed.
“Seems like we don’t have to break into the company.” She smirked.
“We just got information that Viper one is going to be in Magnificent Hotel tonight.” Draco said as he walked into Derrick’s room to meet him getting jerked off by Knife. She didn’t bother to stop even when he walked in but Derrick pulled her hair making his dick slip from her mouth. He slapped her hard across her face and she whimpered.
“When my brother walks in, you stop whatever you’re doing.” Derrick said with a dangerous glare and she nodded.
“Do you want us to get him?” Draco asked and Derrick scoffed.
“Do I?”
“I want the bastard dead. He dare stole from me and wants to live freely. He used my blueprints to establish his fake empire. I want him dead.” Derrick said.
“I guess this is my job.” Draco said and stood. Knife glared at him as he walked past her and he scoffed.
“Continue sucking. It seems like the only thing you’re good at anyway, bitch!” Draco said scornfully and walked out.
“Did you just hear him say that to me?” Knife asked getting all red.
“He’s my brother. He has the right to do anything to you even if it’s to fuck you. You’re a bitch after all.” Derrick said uninterested.
“I’m your girlfriend! Your girlfriend!” Knife yelled.
“Yeah you are. Just bear with my brother. That’s what I mean.” Derrick said and she scoffed.
“I hate you!” She said and left the room.
“My little bitch.” Derrick laughed.
Related Chapters
The Mafia's Possession Chapter 2
Clyde parked his car a bit far from the hotel. He came down from the car first so Sapphire could change into the whore’s attire. They had taken her on the way to the hotel and sedated her. Sapphire came out of the car some minutes later all dressed. She was putting on a short body hug gown that exposed her cleavages and she applied heavy make up.“Wow! All this in twenty minutes.” Clyde teased and she rolled her eyes. “You’re coming in five minutes after I go in.” Sapphire said.“How do I open the back entrance without you?” Clyde pouted and she scoffed.“I already gave you the coordinates. Fix yourself.” She said and walked away. He waited for five minutes before going in too. Immediately he entered through the back, Draco’s car parked a few steps from his.“Good evening, miss. How may I help you?” The receptionist at the desk asked when Sapphire walked in. “I’m here for Mr. Lorenzo.” She said with an Irish accent.“Hold.” The receptionist said as she made a quick phone call. “Roo
The Mafia's Possession Chapter 3
“Hahaha. Do you miss your friend that much?” Draco’s voice sounded loud over the phone.“Why are you with Sapphire’s phone?” Clyde asked. He could tell who was talking just from his voice, he’s been threatened with a gun by that guy.“Funny question. Since you were the one who led me to her.” Draco chuckled.“I led you to no one. Where is Sapphire?” Clyde asked. “She’s in my custody. If you wanna save her, convince her to work for me.” Draco said.“Why would want to work for you?”“Because I’m the boss. Convince her or she’ll remain in my custody until she agrees to work for me.” Draco said sarcastically.“You let her go or I.....”“Are you threatening me?”“Let her go. Take me instead.”“But you’re not the computer genius are you?” “Please let her go. I’ll convince her.”“You can come see her tomorrow alone. Any word about this to the police and she’s dead. I don’t have tell you…..”“I know.”“Good. We have a deal.” Draco said and hugged up.Clyde sat on the floor weakly when the c
The Mafia's Possession Chapter 4
Draco took Sapphire back to the empire and locked her up in the room he prepared for her. He went to the training ground to supervise the new recruits who were brought in yesterday.“Hey Draco.” Knife called running towards him. His face hardened immediately he saw her and he turned to leave.“Did she just call him by his name?” Pierce, the assistant head analyst asked.“She has got some guts.” Molly, the head analyst scoffed.“Draco.” Knife held his right arm and he pushed her off roughly.“I’ll take the first time as a mistake. The second, stupidity. Touching me, a death wish.” Draco said with red eyes.“I wanted to talk to you about something.” She pouted.“Are you crazy?!” Draco yelled and she gasped.“What’s going on here?” Derrick asked as he walked in and Knife ran to him.“I tried to talk to him and he lashed out…..” She lied.“Boss, that’s a lie. She called Lord Draco by his name and she held him with her filthy hands.” Pierce said.“Baby they’re lying…..”“You did not only d
The Mafia's Possession Chapter 5
Sapphire became bored after working on the computers for nearly four hours. She decided to take a stroll around the empire but she discovered that the door was locked from outside. “Stupid boss. Do you think for a genius for nothing?” She quickly got the laptop close by and tapped some keys which opened the door. “Gotcha.” She chuckled.She used the elevator to go the grand floor where some members of the gang were seen walking about.“Who are you?” Knife asked when she bumped into her.“Oh hi, purple bitch.” Sapphire muttered when she saw the all purple tattooed lady before her.“Who are you? Are you a new member of the gang , floor member perhaps?” Knife asked sarcastically. “Actually I’m in a higher rank than you’ll ever be.” Sapphire scoffed.“Oh I see you’re that bitch Draco brought in some days ago…..”“What did you just say?” Sapphire asked walking towards her slowly.“Hey Sapphire.” Molly called excitedly running towards them.“You’re….“Molly. You met me the other day remem
The Mafia's Possession Chapter 6
“ You’re making it worst.”“I don’t need you to protect me.” She said and stepped forward.“So you got a feisty mouth too?” Derrick smirked.“So sad of you to just notice. What rules were you talking about?”“She’s a higher member of this gang.”“I don’t remember joining the gang. Was that in our agreement Draco?” “No.” Draco sighed and she laughed.“OH so that means I don’t get to obey any stupid rules I don’t know about. Or did you recruit me without informing me?”“You work here now. It means you’re a part of this team.”“Well I wouldn’t try to put it that way. Cause you might live to regret it.” She said and he gasped.“No one has ever talked back at me.”“I’m glad I’m the first. I’ll keep on getting on your nerves. Since we’re all don making ourselves clear… I won’t touch your whore again if she doesn’t cross my part and you won’t belittle me to being a member of your tiny club.”“Tiny!”“Great we understand each other perfectly. It was nice doing business with you.” She smirked
The Mafia's Possession Chapter 7
NEXT DAY, ITALY.Clyde was with Giulia in his apartment. They were both watching a movie when they heard the doorbell ring. Giulia quickly rushed to answer the door and she met a woman on all black at the door. “Who are you?” She asked rudely and the woman scoffed.“Who are you?” The woman asked and pushed her way into the apartment.“Hey you can’t come in here! This is trespassing.” Giulia said after her but she ignored her.“What’s going on?” Clyde asked as he walked in on them.“Boo.” Anne said like a baby.“Anne.” Clyde said shocked as she pulled him in a hug. “Did you miss me baby?” Anne teased and he chuckled.“More than you can imagine.” He said and broke the hug. “You didn’t tell anyone you were coming.”“I didn’t know I was coming.” Anne smiled.“I’m still here.” Giulia coughed behind them.“Clyde honey, take my bag. Be a gentleman.” Anne said and Clyde quickly took the bag from her.“Anne, this is Giulia, my girlfriend.” Clyde introduced and Giulia who was already fuming
The Mafia's Possession Chapter 8
“ Hey Pierce. " Molly called after him when she saw him come out of Draco's suite. “ Molly. " He smiled shortly. “ I was looking for you. "“ Oh really?" “ Yes. Have you seen Francesco?" “ That silly tech guy, no. I think Lord Derrick sent him on an errand. " “ Lord Draco needs him." Pierce said and she rolled her eyes. “ He'll be back soon, I guess. “ She muttered. " The new girl...."“ What about her? “ " She's cute. I like her. “ Molly said and he chuckled. " You like every cute girls Molly. One would mistake you for a lesbian. “ He said and she pulled his right ear." Just say you like her asshole. “ She spat. " Like who? She could kill me if we get into a fight. Did you see the way she attacked Knife? “ He scoffed and she let go off his ear. " Just don't use such words on me again or I might pull out your ear this time. “ Molly glared at him. " Yes ma.“ Pierce winked. " Tell Francisco to see me when he's back. “ She said and walked away. " Love her ass. “ He whispere
The Mafia's Possession Chapter 9
“ Why do you want Pietro so badly?" Sapphire asked. She had begged Draco for a cup of coffee to help her stay awake.“ He has something that belongs to me?"“ What? Your mother? Gold? Money? Drugs?"“ My child. " He said and she gasped. “ Is that why you recruited me? To find your child?" “ Part of."“ How is he?"“ She? Four." “ Oh.." Sapphire muttered. “ He sure has history with young girls. " She chuckled. “ So I've heard." “ I'll help you. From now on, I'll be fervent since this is involving a child. "“ If it wasn't?"“ I don't work for killers, remember?"“ I know why I hate you but why do you hate me? I mean you barely know. "“ Youre just like my father. A ruthless killer who gets anything he wants. I hate you all." She scoffed. “ I haven't been ruthless. "“ But you are. Ive worked in the underworld too and I've heard a lot about you and your brother. From what I've heard, you're even more ruthless than he is. “ " Hmm..“ He said and stood up. " Goodnight. I expect impr
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Chapter 10
“ Are you okay now?" Draco asked for the umpteenth time after helping her settle down .“ Yes. It was just a slight cold." She said and he chuckled. “ Really? Maybe you should go back."“ Are you crazy? I almost turned into ice block in that cage. " She said dramatically with her eyes wide open and he laughed.“ I thought it was just a slight cold. “"Well I was being sarcastic." She rolled her eyes. " Just stay away from my brother from now on. “ " Do you think I'm a spy too? “ She asked out of the blue. " What?“ " Your brother called me a traitor. “" Ohh.... “" He said something about my father. “" Why didn't you say you were Fernando Luca's daughter? “" My name says it all. “ " No one has ever seen your face. “" That's because my father hid me carefully. “ She shrugged. " I was once part of the kidnapped kids at Pietro's estate. “" You were? “" That's in the past. I'm feeling light headed."“ I'll leave you to rest." “ Thank you mob boss." She winked. Draco left the
Chapter 9
“ Why do you want Pietro so badly?" Sapphire asked. She had begged Draco for a cup of coffee to help her stay awake.“ He has something that belongs to me?"“ What? Your mother? Gold? Money? Drugs?"“ My child. " He said and she gasped. “ Is that why you recruited me? To find your child?" “ Part of."“ How is he?"“ She? Four." “ Oh.." Sapphire muttered. “ He sure has history with young girls. " She chuckled. “ So I've heard." “ I'll help you. From now on, I'll be fervent since this is involving a child. "“ If it wasn't?"“ I don't work for killers, remember?"“ I know why I hate you but why do you hate me? I mean you barely know. "“ Youre just like my father. A ruthless killer who gets anything he wants. I hate you all." She scoffed. “ I haven't been ruthless. "“ But you are. Ive worked in the underworld too and I've heard a lot about you and your brother. From what I've heard, you're even more ruthless than he is. “ " Hmm..“ He said and stood up. " Goodnight. I expect impr
Chapter 8
“ Hey Pierce. " Molly called after him when she saw him come out of Draco's suite. “ Molly. " He smiled shortly. “ I was looking for you. "“ Oh really?" “ Yes. Have you seen Francesco?" “ That silly tech guy, no. I think Lord Derrick sent him on an errand. " “ Lord Draco needs him." Pierce said and she rolled her eyes. “ He'll be back soon, I guess. “ She muttered. " The new girl...."“ What about her? “ " She's cute. I like her. “ Molly said and he chuckled. " You like every cute girls Molly. One would mistake you for a lesbian. “ He said and she pulled his right ear." Just say you like her asshole. “ She spat. " Like who? She could kill me if we get into a fight. Did you see the way she attacked Knife? “ He scoffed and she let go off his ear. " Just don't use such words on me again or I might pull out your ear this time. “ Molly glared at him. " Yes ma.“ Pierce winked. " Tell Francisco to see me when he's back. “ She said and walked away. " Love her ass. “ He whispere
Chapter 7
NEXT DAY, ITALY.Clyde was with Giulia in his apartment. They were both watching a movie when they heard the doorbell ring. Giulia quickly rushed to answer the door and she met a woman on all black at the door. “Who are you?” She asked rudely and the woman scoffed.“Who are you?” The woman asked and pushed her way into the apartment.“Hey you can’t come in here! This is trespassing.” Giulia said after her but she ignored her.“What’s going on?” Clyde asked as he walked in on them.“Boo.” Anne said like a baby.“Anne.” Clyde said shocked as she pulled him in a hug. “Did you miss me baby?” Anne teased and he chuckled.“More than you can imagine.” He said and broke the hug. “You didn’t tell anyone you were coming.”“I didn’t know I was coming.” Anne smiled.“I’m still here.” Giulia coughed behind them.“Clyde honey, take my bag. Be a gentleman.” Anne said and Clyde quickly took the bag from her.“Anne, this is Giulia, my girlfriend.” Clyde introduced and Giulia who was already fuming
Chapter 6
“ You’re making it worst.”“I don’t need you to protect me.” She said and stepped forward.“So you got a feisty mouth too?” Derrick smirked.“So sad of you to just notice. What rules were you talking about?”“She’s a higher member of this gang.”“I don’t remember joining the gang. Was that in our agreement Draco?” “No.” Draco sighed and she laughed.“OH so that means I don’t get to obey any stupid rules I don’t know about. Or did you recruit me without informing me?”“You work here now. It means you’re a part of this team.”“Well I wouldn’t try to put it that way. Cause you might live to regret it.” She said and he gasped.“No one has ever talked back at me.”“I’m glad I’m the first. I’ll keep on getting on your nerves. Since we’re all don making ourselves clear… I won’t touch your whore again if she doesn’t cross my part and you won’t belittle me to being a member of your tiny club.”“Tiny!”“Great we understand each other perfectly. It was nice doing business with you.” She smirked
Chapter 5
Sapphire became bored after working on the computers for nearly four hours. She decided to take a stroll around the empire but she discovered that the door was locked from outside. “Stupid boss. Do you think for a genius for nothing?” She quickly got the laptop close by and tapped some keys which opened the door. “Gotcha.” She chuckled.She used the elevator to go the grand floor where some members of the gang were seen walking about.“Who are you?” Knife asked when she bumped into her.“Oh hi, purple bitch.” Sapphire muttered when she saw the all purple tattooed lady before her.“Who are you? Are you a new member of the gang , floor member perhaps?” Knife asked sarcastically. “Actually I’m in a higher rank than you’ll ever be.” Sapphire scoffed.“Oh I see you’re that bitch Draco brought in some days ago…..”“What did you just say?” Sapphire asked walking towards her slowly.“Hey Sapphire.” Molly called excitedly running towards them.“You’re….“Molly. You met me the other day remem
Chapter 4
Draco took Sapphire back to the empire and locked her up in the room he prepared for her. He went to the training ground to supervise the new recruits who were brought in yesterday.“Hey Draco.” Knife called running towards him. His face hardened immediately he saw her and he turned to leave.“Did she just call him by his name?” Pierce, the assistant head analyst asked.“She has got some guts.” Molly, the head analyst scoffed.“Draco.” Knife held his right arm and he pushed her off roughly.“I’ll take the first time as a mistake. The second, stupidity. Touching me, a death wish.” Draco said with red eyes.“I wanted to talk to you about something.” She pouted.“Are you crazy?!” Draco yelled and she gasped.“What’s going on here?” Derrick asked as he walked in and Knife ran to him.“I tried to talk to him and he lashed out…..” She lied.“Boss, that’s a lie. She called Lord Draco by his name and she held him with her filthy hands.” Pierce said.“Baby they’re lying…..”“You did not only d
Chapter 3
“Hahaha. Do you miss your friend that much?” Draco’s voice sounded loud over the phone.“Why are you with Sapphire’s phone?” Clyde asked. He could tell who was talking just from his voice, he’s been threatened with a gun by that guy.“Funny question. Since you were the one who led me to her.” Draco chuckled.“I led you to no one. Where is Sapphire?” Clyde asked. “She’s in my custody. If you wanna save her, convince her to work for me.” Draco said.“Why would want to work for you?”“Because I’m the boss. Convince her or she’ll remain in my custody until she agrees to work for me.” Draco said sarcastically.“You let her go or I.....”“Are you threatening me?”“Let her go. Take me instead.”“But you’re not the computer genius are you?” “Please let her go. I’ll convince her.”“You can come see her tomorrow alone. Any word about this to the police and she’s dead. I don’t have tell you…..”“I know.”“Good. We have a deal.” Draco said and hugged up.Clyde sat on the floor weakly when the c
Chapter 2
Clyde parked his car a bit far from the hotel. He came down from the car first so Sapphire could change into the whore’s attire. They had taken her on the way to the hotel and sedated her. Sapphire came out of the car some minutes later all dressed. She was putting on a short body hug gown that exposed her cleavages and she applied heavy make up.“Wow! All this in twenty minutes.” Clyde teased and she rolled her eyes. “You’re coming in five minutes after I go in.” Sapphire said.“How do I open the back entrance without you?” Clyde pouted and she scoffed.“I already gave you the coordinates. Fix yourself.” She said and walked away. He waited for five minutes before going in too. Immediately he entered through the back, Draco’s car parked a few steps from his.“Good evening, miss. How may I help you?” The receptionist at the desk asked when Sapphire walked in. “I’m here for Mr. Lorenzo.” She said with an Irish accent.“Hold.” The receptionist said as she made a quick phone call. “Roo