The Mafian Xavier Stage
The Mafian Xavier Stage
Author: UltraZole
Chapter 01


I had just heard the biggest most unexpected and devastating news of my life.

I stood up from the office table in my bedroom immediately with extreme shock.

"What do you mean my father is dead....The doctor said he was recovering...they said he would be fine what happened... it's not possible." I said unable to believe that my father was gone.

"Well he was probably diagnosed wrongly" Mr Jonathan Suwanee, my father's best friend said.

"That's not possible, Doctor Lee has been the family's doctor even before I was born, he has always been accurate, there's absolutely no way".

"Well, my dear things do happen" He said rather calmly, like he didn't just lose his best friend.

He was probably just trying to be strong for my sake, was what I thought.

I was speechless, I was dumbfounded, fighting back the tears in my eyes.

And as if that was not already too much to handle, he hit me with another bullet.

"I'm sorry sir...but I'm afraid I have to ask you to leave".

I looked up at him with my red teary eyes confused.

"What?...why what something wrong?" I asked tears disrupting my speech flow.

""Nothing is wrong sir but I don't want you here other words..." His tone and facial expression changed, to a more firm and stiff one. "...take your things and get out of my house".

"Your house?...I don't understand "

He groaned in frustration, "give it to me" He said to one of the two body guards who were with him and the opened the suitcase with Jim and brought out a paper and Mr Suwanee took it from him and threw it to my face.

I took the paper and read threw it.

I shook my head in disbelief. '' it can't be it's not possible, my father wouldn't give everything he had to you, he always talked about me taking over.... always...this is fake".

"Well you can clearly see the proof, He obviously didn't trust you well enough to handle everything he worked for his whole life, I mean I have been his best friend since before you were born....Now leave the premises or else I'll throw you out myself".

I was still dumbfounded.

"But...Mr Suwanee... you're my father's best could you do this?"

He looked at me straight into my eyes. "I only did what I was supposed to do...Leave now!!". He said.

"Mr Suwanee...did you hurt my father?"

He suddenly sprang at me and gave me a heavy blow to my face and held my shirt. "Do not say what you don't know boy..." He said breathing heavily.

"It all makes sense to me, you made him sign the papers, killed him and now is throwing me out so I don't become a threat to you or your make perfect sense"

He gave me multiple punches and I retaliated with two heavy blows to his face and was about to give him a third when his bodyguards suddenly took hold of me and beat me up.

"Throw him out... I'll see to it that you're put to jail" Mr Suwanee ordered and they took me to the door and threw me out.

I stood up holding my ribs in pain, my nose and mouth bleeding and glared at him right in the eyes "I swear Mr Suwanee, if you have a hand in my father's death, I will not spare you, I won't let you go Scott free, I will kill you...I will reclaim the house my father wanted Mr. Patrick, you will regret today!." I said to him and he laughs mockingly at me.

"How!?" He yelled back.

"A poor hopeless loser like you can never pull that out, you will see how much I will keep you in prison." He said to me cleaning his bloody nose in return.

"Hahaha!" I let out a sad laugh as the pain in my stomach erupted like a Curse with its will... A will... I wanted him to hear.

"I will build a thousand estates just to spite you, I won't be like my father who trusted you... I will make your children and their children's children bow at my feet..." I cursed as I looked at him dead in the eyes.

I wanted him to know I rather be dead than live a life where he'd take everything from me... He should know I am his core enemy!

My yelling continued, My lungs hurt!

"One day... I'll pat on your old balded head and take the ring of my father back! Mark my words! This is my Promise-Land to you!" I swore to him in pain as I spat out blood over my father's Promised land.

My wife Agatha, came into the premises and towards me holding a paper.

"Oh Agatha..." I said about to hug needed her now the most but a third dreadful thing happened, She stepped back and handed me the papers.

"I need you to sign them" she said firmly and looking at it I had never felt so many emotions in one day, sadness, anger, pain, confusion, heartbreak. All at one go.

"Divorce... Agatha." I said softly, this wasn't happening. "Why..?" Tears threatening to fall out.

Now that I had nothing she wanted to leave me, how evil.

"That's a really obvious question, you have nothing, you can't afford to take care of me anymore, you're now worthless and I shall soon be engaged to marry Bernardino Suwannee, Mr Suwanee's first son".

I had never met Mr. Suwanee's kids before, I wanted to beg, but I wouldn't, she had already proved she was a materialist, I was hurt but I held my tears, it mustn't fall in their presence.

I asked for a pen and I signed it, at least it would be better, I would drag Mr Suwanee's entire family down without guilt or affecting anyone else's life.

"Don't let him go just yet... I'll take him to jail" Mr Suwanee said and his bodyguards took a hold of me.

I wasn't going to spare him.

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