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The Magic Kings War Worshipper Arc. Chapter 22: Results day.
Worshipper Arc: Chapter 22. Results day. The next day arrives however this day is special, today is the day the results are being shared to the students. Valoran, Demonlise, Atticus, Artemsia, Selina, Biatrix and Merial are waiting for Professor Asparata just like the others in the class. “I’lll get the highest score you see.” “No way…I’ll be getting the highest score” “You probably would be if it wasn’t for my outstanding performance during the adventurer exam.” The students mumble to each other eagerly awaiting for the Professor who has the results. “I sure hope I get a good score.” Atticus says with slight worry. “I’m sure you will.” Merial says with a smile trying to cheer up Atticus. “Thank-you Merial I know you did well…you're so talented” Atticus replies with a smile of his own. “That’s so kind of you.” Merial utters. “Oh boy I sure could use some good results right about now.” Biatrix states. “Well your results thus far haven’t been the best but still ab
The Magic Kings War Worshipper Arc. Chapter 23: Halivaara second Academy.
Worshipper Arc: Chapter 23. Halivaara second academy. Valoran agreed to transfer to the second magic academy as an exchange student programme for two weeks. “When will I leave?” Valoran questions. “In 2 days.” The Headmaster replies. “Alright then.” Valoran responds, making his way out the room. “Valoran” The headmaster calls out. Valoran stops in his tracks. “Don’t bring shame to our academy.” The headmaster warns. Valoran remains silent, continuing his way out the door. Valoran meets up with his friends who are still in the cafeteria enjoying their lunch. “Hey Valoran, what did the Headmaster want?” Artemsia questions. Valoran takes a seat. “I’m being transferred as an exchange student for 2 weeks with the 2nd magic academy.” Valoran reveals. “Really? That’s strange, only third years are chosen as a transfer student.” Merial speaks from experience since she was a third year at the 2nd magic academy. “Valoran you look troubled, what’s the matter?” Biatrix a
The Magic Kings War Worshipper Arc. Chapter 24: A wager.
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The Magic Kings War Worshipper Arc. Chapter 25: Seeking your magic.
Worshipper Arc: Chapter 25. Seeking your magic. After Valoran erased the entire mountain range the class, especially Perla, is speechless. “We should continue with the lesson…but first.” Valoran snaps his fingers and reconstructs the entire mountain using taslan (creation magic) down to the subatomic level. “There we can’t have an entire mountain range disappear now can we?” Valoran says with sarcasm. Perla walks past Valoran avoiding direct eye contact with him. After that display of talent no one wanted to face Valoran. Another hour passes and the day is over and the students are leaving the academy for the day. Sara,Yuka and Elly kindly say their goodbyes to Valoran and the four split ways. Valoran makes it home where Aelina is waiting for him. “Oh good, your home. How was your first day at the Halivaara second academy? I hope they didn’t dislike you.” Aelina questions with excitement which turns to worry. “It was fine Mother. No need to worry.” Valoran reassures.
The Magic Kings War Worshipper Arc. Chapter 26: Time to prove yourselves.
Worshipper Arc: Chapter 26. Time to prove yourselves. Valoran begins to train Sara, Yuka and Elly for the fight up against Jillian. “Sara, feel the earth beneath you, harvest its great power.” Valoran instructs Sara. “Yuka, lighting is all about precision and control…its power is immense but deadly to both you and your opponent. Keep that in mind.” Valoran points out to Yuka. “Elly, forest magic is more of a defensive art of magic, use it to protect your team from attacks.” Valoran advises Elly. The three look focused with determination filling their mind. “Alright, we can do this.” Sara confidently states. “If we beat Jillian…” Yuka fantasies out loud. “Then no one will make fun of us…calling us trash and weak.” Elly adds on. Day after day Valoran trains the three to the best of his abilities, making sure that they are prepared against someone of Jillian’s caliber. Valoran also communicates with Demonlise using taslan (telepathy magic) to ensure that the academy is
The Magic Kings War Worshipper Arc: Chapter 27. Attack on Halivaara Magic Academy.
Worshipper Arc: Chapter 27.Attack on the Magic academy. Demonlise informed Valoran over astral (telepathy magic) that the academy is being attacked. “Do you require my assistance?” Valoran questions Demonlise. “No, we can handle this.” Demonlise responds. “Alright.” Valoran cuts off astral (telepathy magic) with Demonlise. Valoran looks to the right, which is the direction to the magic academy. He focuses his magic eyes which enables him to see great distances despite obstacles such as buildings being in the way. “Hmm…the barrier of damontrox is cast over the entire academy, it has the ability to negate all magic except to the caster who cast it.” Valoran thinks to himself. In the Magic Academy. A dome of purple and black colour is engulfing the entire academy. It’s so dense that the sunlight is being blocked and no longer reaches the academy leaving the academy almost in darkness. The students begin to panic and scream. “WHAT IS HAPPENING?!”“WHY HAS IT SUDDENLY B
The Magic Kings War Worshipper Arc. Chapter 28: Daimos reveals himself.
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The Magic Kings War Worshipper Arc. Chapter 29: A New Family.
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Mermaid Arc Chapter 8. Demonlise' Loyalty
Mermaid Arc Chapter 8. Demonlise's loyalty. Nari approaches Demonlise with the intent to take away the Mermaids by force if needed. “State your name and business” Demonlise points a sword at Nari filled with determination to defend the Mermaids who are standing behind him. “I am Nari del Bevero a god of trickery and under the command of Reimon I will be taking Queen Limeneria with me” Nari introduced herself and also stated her reason for being here, just as Valoran predicted they were after the queen of Mermaids. “My master has ordered me to protect them no matter the cost, I will not allow you to approach them.” Demonlise stands firm and carries out his duty wholeheartedly. “Your master is a mere Magic King, he stands no chance against the one I serve, your master's orders are meaningless” Nari mocks Valoran trying to enrage Demonlise. “My master is the most powerful being in existence, his words are absolute.” Demonlise is replying coldly, maintaining his composure at the obv
Mermaid Arc Chapter 7. Reimon's Plan.
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Mermaid Arc Chapter 6. The Invitation.
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Mermaid Arc. Chapter 5: The Oasis.
Mermaid Arc. Chapter 5: The Oasis. Valoran and the Mermaids arrive in front of the castle Blackburg. “This is my castle.” Valoran informs them. The Guards greet their Master bowing in front of him. “Lord Silver.”“Any news?” Valoran questions to ensure that everything is going in well. “No my lord. Everything is going well.” A female human replies. “That's good. Please rise and keep up the good work.” Valoran kindly instructs. “Your Kingdom is so lively Lord of Magic” Limenria observes in amazement. “Our lady is right, your Kingdom has many fascinating places. All these different food stalls, attractions and stores are amazing.” Siestine says with excitement. “Perhaps we could visit them.” Velvia says with a shy tone. “Of course, I will show you around the capital once we are done here.” Valoran kindly replies. “Thank you, we appreciate it.” Limenria utters with sincerity. “Now then let's head in.” Valoran and the Mermaids walk past the gates and head for the castle door. T
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Mermaid Arc. Chapter 3: Negotiations.
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Mermaid Arc. Chapter 2: The Kraken.
Mermaid Arc. Chapter 2: The Kraken.Valoran witnesses the Mermaids who are equipped with mythril spears and armor desperately fighting the Kraken. “KEEP IT BUSY UNTIL THE QUEEN ARRIVES!” One of the Mermaids shouts out. “YES MA'AM!” The other Mermaids reply. Despite the efforts of the Mermaids they are no match for the Kraken; its sheer size and durability are too much for the Mermaids soldiers to handle. The Kraken knocks down several Mermaids on the ground with its enormous tentacles. “AHHH!!” The Mermaids scream in pain as they impact the floor hard. “WATCH OUT!!!” Other Mermaids who haven’t been knocked down. The Mermaids who are on the ground barely conscious, in immense pain and with blood spilling from the mouths are unable to swim away from the Kraken’s enormous tentacle as it’s preparing to crush the Mermaids. “W-we can’t move…” One of the Mermaids barely able to speak says. The other Mermaids swim toward the Kraken to try to get its attention away from the injured M
Mermaid Arc. Chapter 1: Do Mermaids really exist?
Mermaid Arc. Chapter 1. Do Mermaids really exist? It’s been 6 months since Valoran ascended to the throne becoming the current King of Magic. 6 Months since Valoran has defeated the King of Gods Daimos. Since then the people of Halivaara have become prosperous, living life knowing that the Gods will no longer be a threat. Inside castle Blackburg Valoran sits on his throne with Demonlise standing by his side. “Master. It’s been 6 months since your rise to power since then I have noticed that people are living happier lives.” Demonlise compliments. Valoran turns his head to face Demonlise. “I also noticed. Finally the people can live knowing that the Gods won’t be a threat.” Valoran states. “You also made strong relationships with other rulers to aid our nation.” Demonlise states. “It’s true. I made big efforts to ensure that we have strong and healthy relationships with other nations. The Ruler of the elves, Vanina Vallior, who rules over the great elvish forest Lima, she
Worshipper Arc. Chapter 41: All hail the King.
Worshipper Arc. Chapter 41: All hail the King. Valoran and Demonlise take a look at the army and the Hyodi warriors who fought bravely against the Worshippers. “I want to thank all of you, you have shown great bravery today. You honour me with your courage.” Valoran speaks sincerely. His Troops and the Hyodi Warriors bow to him. “ALL HAIL THE KING!” The Troops and Hyodi Worshippers speak with pride. Valoran is proud to have such a great army who are loyal to him. “My lord.” Demonlise speaks. Valoran turns his head to face Demonlise. “What should we do about the remaining Worshippers?” Demonlise question. “A fair question Demonlise.” Valoran replies. Valoran and Demonlise walk up to the leader of the Worshippers, Aegnor Aldon who is still alive. Worshippers move out the way to give way to Valoran and Demonlise as they approach him. “What will you do to us?” Aegnor questions. “Your actions have cost the lives of many innocent people. You do know I cannot leave your actions