Chapter 8


Sitting on the edge of the bed she had been given in the mansion not knowing her before or back she began to think of her father and how he used to be with her mother.

Why could she not have that kind of love for him?

She remembered w day they had all sat when she was 11 years old two years before her mother passed on and she heard her father say to her mother.

"It hurts so much to watch the one you love be drifting away from him and not just that you have made yourself too reserved so that it hurts those around you love," he said.

Jane heard her mother promise to be receptive and to make up for a lost time, she persuaded Jane's father to take had and Jane shopping just something to distract them from all the tension from the past months, he accepted anything for her right?

He wanted to make her happy at all costs so he went downstairs to arrange the car while Jane's mother apologized for her recent withdrawal and thanked Jane.

"I wish my dad would just do what is needed," Jane said as she was gone back to the room where she had been shown.

She didn't even feel like she was a captive anymore, she felt like she was a princess with the way she was being treated like a princess.

Before she had been kidnapped she had been on good terms with her father because they had been having issues of late about having a man to marry and she had just died to her father that she had found a man.

She saw a side of her father she had hardly ever seen at least not until when she won a contract for the expansion of their company. The Way he called her "darling" she felt so endeared that she never wanted to wake up from this dream, she wanted to be in it forever.

"But Father, you didn't ask his name, background, or what he does for a living," she said looking worried

"Wipe that look off your face, my angel, as long as you accepted him it means he's perfect, I know you are not one to sleep around or date numerous men so I trust your judgment in this one," He said so and got from the couch he was seated on and for the first time in all her 23 years In earth, her Father held her for a forehead kiss and told her how much he loved her and cherished her. Like what happened to her Father? The man who never wanted to come as close as one meter towards her since she was a child? Here he was showing a different side, a side she had been yearning for, aside she wished never went away so she could always feel his warmth and the life of a father towards his daughter and just which involved a working relationship. With that said her Father left but not without telling her to take a day off or two so she could rest her swollen ankle. Who was this and what had he done to her father? She loved this new him and didn't want to trade him for anything else.

She got into her bedroom changed into some new clothes and tossed his clothes into the washing machine, she was going to give him the next day when they met to talk about the underlying rules of their relationship plus she had to get her lawyer involved so everything was legal with no complications.

And that was when she was kidnapped because she had left to go meet someone to offer a contract marriage.

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