The group from the school was now sailing through the air towards the kingdom. Kel and Phil saw various disciples also going ahead of them. all of them had the mystical powers to fly in the air. soon they along with itida and itidi joined them as day soared  over the lovely blue mountains and valleys which were a delight to watch. after falling for a long time the group started to turn left from a mountain peak which was shaped like the head of a bird. Phil thought this should be the landmark for them to make the turn. they as a group continued flying straight. their large birds were telling them quite magnanimously as they slept their wings to move them forward. the birds were very strong creatures indeed unviable to fly long distances in this magical land.

Occasionally one of the birds would make a sharp screeching sound and would look in either direction in an attempt 2 alert any creatures flying around. Kel thought this was their way to make a horn in the air.

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