DAY 11

1:00 PM

The large allied forces composed of combined armies of the Cardonia, Giniana and Archesia have linked up with the other large force, this is the Royalties along with members of the 601st Paratrooper Regiment. They are hours from the Capital City of Jesena, they would reach the gates just before sundown.

The Cardonian naval task force is currently blockading the surrounding waters off the the Capital City of Jesena. This has prevented the retreat of the remaining Imperial ships docked at the large port.

Even the city south of the Capital were quickly vacated, as such the small landing force liberated the city without firing a single shot.

The last remaining bastion of Imperial forces are camped out on the large demi-human capital. The Capital could be compared to that of an Earth Medieval city, from it's large walls and architecture.

Due to an earlier airstrike, the Cardonians destroyed the large magic communication facility located deep inside the City. They are literal
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