The return bell was not as loud as usual, not knowing if there was a problem or not, but all the students hurriedly ran out. While Silva, as she usually walked slowly, didn't want to follow like the other children. She chose to walk leisurely to enjoy her short life, not because of any illness or anything. She didn't know when death would come, and enjoying life every day would make her happier.

As Silva stood on the top step, she saw that the schoolyard was full of students. Students with private vehicles had to wait patiently in the courtyard near the big mango tree. They had to wait until there were no pedestrians in the courtyard, as per the principal's order every morning. A reminder before the start of class.

The girl resumed her pace, but a little faster this time. She passed by various motorcycles of different colors, still walking upright without looking the other way. However, a face she recognized made Silva run over. She was standing near the security post now.

"Hi, Res
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