The brown ball soared high, and then into the basket very smoothly. Dimas cheered his victory, and David was still down 10-6. The game ended just like that, David chose to sit on one of the brown chairs while sipping his mineral water in a glass bottle.

Dimas walked over after picking up his basketball. He hugged the ball while keeping an eye on his cousin who looked exhausted. Sweat was pouring down his face despite the chill in the air tonight, and Dimas admitted that he was feeling hot right now.

"Your house is very hot," David said after Dimas sat down next to him and leaned back.

Dimas nodded in agreement, but his attention was still focused on his favorite basketball. "Even though there are many trees here, the wind also comes in turns. But it still feels hot, I don't know why it happens like that."

"Why not make a basketball court inside the house? Give it an air conditioner like the ones in elite schools, isn't it not difficult to do that?"

"No, of course it's easy." This t
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