After she finished talking, she grinned and toppled the pen on the desk, implying more about what she meant.

"I don't know, something tells me they'll be just fine. I'm sure there'll be other more profitable jobs lining up to hire them if they leave this dump so they should be good" Anthony responded with a smirk.

With his and Mr. Rose Dana's influence, getting Michael and Casey a job in one of their companies should be a walk in the park so her threat didn't faze him the slightest.

Marilyn shrugged "I guess you're right but looking at those two, we both know they're soft. They're not like you, resilient and tough and that's a fact. How do you think they would take it if a scandalous rumor about them spring out of nowhere? Not everyone can handle that level of stress and they might just end up killing themselves because of it"

She flicked the toppled pen with her finger and it flew to the wall in front of her, breaking into two pieces and landing on the floor. She was giving an underl
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