Johnathan stared at this student, wondering if he wanted to get involved with him or not. He's already helped him wake up so should he involve himself beyond this point?

In the end, he came up with his answer.

"I'm nobody," Johnathan said then stood up and stuffed his hands into his hoodie pocket.

"As you can see the party is over so you should start going him. That's why I'm doing" Johnathan said.

The student looked around and he was disappointed that he missed the party. A reaction that Johnathan found strange because he was more concerned about that than the fact Bradly had knocked him unconscious.

"Whoever you are, thanks for waking me up. I should also start heading—" The student said as he was standing up but then his stomach started hurting and he crashed back down.

The student grabbed his stomach and started wincing from the pain.

"What's wrong?" Johnathan asked him, worried that something else might be wrong.

"I don't know, my stomach just hurts like hell. Was it something I d
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