Chapter 212. Straight To The Hospital.
“What the hell, Steve? You would burst out in laughter if you just heard what Commander Lex told me. He told me that you all found my Alaric, my son, inside the building, lying down, with a pool of blood surrounding him. How laughable that is. Come on, Lex, come up with some better jokes. This is not a playful thing,” she said, turning around and smiling at the commander.

“Ma'am, I am not joking with you. I am serious. We found the young master lying down, a pool of blood surrounding him. He was bruised all over, including his face, as blood was all over it,” he said.

Mrs. Claire smiled. “Really? My son?”

In the middle of the road, Mrs. Claire's laughter echoed, a stark contrast to the grim news the commander had just delivered. "What, my son? No way," she said between laughs, dismissing the commander's account. Her eyes betrayed a deep-seated disbelief as she struggled to fathom the unthinkable.

Despite their attempts to reassure her, Mrs. Claire's laughter persisted, a defens
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