Chapter 3 - The Ouroboran Civil War

Universe: UNIVERSE 52,

Time: YEAR 10098,


The ships were moving so fast, trying to avoid the lasers being thrown at them. The captain looked over the display on his ship; He was losing a lot of troops. They had a lot in this war, and it was too late to go back. Everything depended on it. The captain’s name was Hal-el, meaning warrior. This he always boasted was the reason for his numerous victory in battles across time.

“Ka-lex” The captain said, turning around to the main pilot. “Activate the emergency maneuver”

The emergency maneuver was a means to utilize a blackhole and somehow hide in it. Once they were inside it’s center, the captain spoke.

“Most of our ships are down and we still to protect our timeline” He paced up and down, trying to think of a solution.

They were in the middle of a multiversal war. A war which would determine if their timeline would stand or not. Someone or something was trying to merge all timelines into one, hence destroying the others in the process. Something that would kill trillions across every universe.

The ourobans, having being conversant with multiversal technology, were the first to notice this. They noticed some temporal fractures and people being pulled out from the timeline. The ourobans were home to planet elxir in the galaxy of andromeda. They were highly skilled with technology, but the breakthrough came when one of their top scientists was able to harness the power of a blackhole. This way, they could weaponize a blackhole, enter its event horizon without being torn to shreds. They were only just beginning to discover the secrets of the universe. Not long after that, using the properties of blackholes, they were able to later ‘time travel’. It was during this process of time travelling that they discovered they had caused fractures in space time. Something they understood so little of to fix.

“Captain, the enemy ships are approaching” Male, a soldier of the ouroban said, bringing the captain back to reality. The captain suddenly had an idea, though deadly for most of the troops still outside the blackhole’s event horizon.

“Yin, I need you to put off the safety on this blackhole’s gravitational pull. Wrap us in a space time bubble, and when all the enemy ships outside are drawn to the blackhole. You put the safety back on”

Yin was reluctant “But sir, our troops outside?”

The captain gave her a stern look. “All of our future civilizations and on this ship. The future of our people, the children, the high commander, on this ship. If we do nothing, all of our people die here”. Making this decision was something he had to do. The enemy had attacked their planet and somehow destroyed the gravitational waves around it. This made the planet crumbled from inside out. In search of survival, they had gathered most of the civilians on the halo ship and left. The soldiers were each equipped to ward off the enemy ships that was later sent to make sure all the ouroborans were destroyed.

“Ok sir” Yin said.

Without wasting a second, yin turned off the restrictions on the black hole’s gravity. Immediately, the ships around the blackhole were drawn into its event horizon, destroying them as they entered.

YEAR 10140,

“All ships have been destroyed sir” Yin said.

The captain sighed, they barely escaped. Still, he felt something was off.

“What was the time dilation effects?” The captain asked.

“We lost 50 years sir”

Relative to outside the blackhole, fifty years had passed due to the gravitational pull.

“Sir, doesn’t that mean our pursuers would stop chasing us?” Mayel asked. Mayel was the son of the commander, and was a fast-rising ranking soldier.

“For our enemy, time is inconsequential” The captain said.

Just as he was about to go meet the commander, some robots came barging into the control room. They were drones and were structured to walk. These drones were not one of theirs, the enemy had infiltrated them. But how?

“Attack!” The captain said. Without hesitation, the soldiers brought out their weapons. Unfortunately, the drones weren’t there to fight aimlessly. They had a purpose, a sinister one at that.

Their plans were to destroy the control unit of the ship, and make the black hole’s gravitational pull drag the ship and tear it apart. A buzzing filled the air and one of the drones shot a plasma beam to the control unit. Mayel immediately took out the drone in a swoop, while the others began fighting.

“Captain, the ships control system has been comprised” Yin said, her voice trembling. “At this rate, we will torn apart by the black hole’s gravity”

The captain looked at her, still fending off the drones. She immediately knew what to do, though dangerous. One of the laws guiding their usage of time was not use the time device in a working blackhole. In theory, it could scatter them across timelines. But it was the only thing they could do to save the civilization. In a heartbeat, she engaged the time device and a splitting sound fill the air. Just then, the ship began to rip apart bits by bits- the blackhole was beginning to get its pull. In the split of a second, everything went black.

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