155: To Torment The Murderer

Eric wandered through the streets, his heart pounding with every step. The city was alive with the sound of grief and anger. Posters of his face, banners, and billboards with his name were everywhere. People had finally learned the truth: Mr. Radcliffe, the enigmatic billionaire, was Eric. And now they were mourning him, demanding justice.

As he turned a corner, he was met with the sight of a massive protest. The crowd was chanting, their voices a powerful chorus that echoed through the city. Signs reading "Justice for Eric Radcliffe!" and "Find His Body!" were held high. It was surreal to see his own face emblazoned on posters, the eyes that stared back at him filled with determination and sorrow.

Among the protestors, he spotted a familiar figure at the front. Sarah Martinez, the woman he had helped win the mayoral election, was holding a large banner with his face on it. Her voice rang out clearly over the crowd, filled with passion and fury.

"We demand justice for Eric Radcliffe!
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