172: It's All Over

Eric and Mason fought fiercely on the ground, their bodies a blur of desperate, primal motion.

Each punch and shove reverberated through the room, their grunts and growls of exertion echoing off the walls. Mason was furious, fueled by a dark, vengeful rage, but Eric's was driven by something far more powerful: the need to protect Emily.

As they struggled, Claudia stood nearby, her gun trained on Emily. Emily’s wide, terrified eyes darted between the two men fighting and the woman holding the gun. Every muscle in her body was taut with fear.

“You think you can just take my life and ruin everything, Eric?” Mason spat, shoving Eric hard enough to knock him back a few feet. Eric stumbled but quickly regained his footing, charging back at Mason with renewed fury.

“Let her go, Mason!” Eric shouted, his voice hoarse. He managed to land a solid punch on Mason’s jaw, causing him to stagger.

Claudia’s hands trembled slightly as she kept her gun pointed at Emily. “Eric, just stop! This doesn’t
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