Chapter 3: Filth meets Wealth

Stepping into the opulent interior of the billionaire’s house is a journey through refined extravagance. The grand foyer showcases polished marble floors under a shining chandelier, setting the tone for luxury. In the dining room, a magnificent mahogany table, surrounded by adorned chairs, serves as a center piece beneath a breathtaking crystal chandelier. Walls adorned with tasteful art pieces and intricate molding creates an atmosphere of sophistication. The room is bathed in a soft glow from designer lighting features, casting an inviting ambiance over the meticulously set table of assorted meals.

Ryan was utterly flabbergasted at what he was witnessing. Never had he seen such luxury. There were about four maids and a man who happened to be the Head Chef, Alessio Marcelli on standby waiting to help with the service of food. A Head chef is a culinary virtuoso, blending passion, creativity, and expertise to orchestrate gastronomic masterpieces. With a commanding presence in the kitchen, they exude an aura of confidence and precision as they oversee every aspect of meal preparation. Their discerning palate and unwavering dedication to perfection ensure that every dish leaving their kitchen is a testament to their culinary mastery. Yet, despite their undeniable talent, they remain humble, always seeking to delight and surprise their esteemed guests with their culinary creations.

Ryan was in awe that he didn’t notice the presence of Mr. Benedict Greystone, a man in his early 60’s, one of the wealthiest men in Halcyon Bay. A gentle tap on his shoulder by Zara brought him back to reality. “Meet my dad,” Zara said beaming with pride. Ryan was utterly dumbfounded. 

This was the man he referred to as his role model and had only seen him few times on TV. He was not certain how to react; kneel? Genuflect? Bow?

‘It’s an honor to finally meet you sir,” Ryan said extending his right hand respectfully for a handshake whilst bowing his head. As though Mr. Greystone did not see him, he ignored the handshake and replied, “Young man, have you gone nuts?” He continued, “You wasted 30 minutes of my precious time and you still have the effrontery and audacity to extend your hands for a handshake. Are your balls made of titanium?”   

In a bid to defend Ryan, Zara immediately spoke “Father, it was not actually his fault, it was…..” “Shut your mouth! This is a man-to-man confabulation,” Mr. Greystone angrily cuts Zara off. “Now, back to you riffraff, this should never happen again. Take your seat!” he said facing Ryan. “Thank you Sir,” Ryan courageously muttered. At the signal from Mr. Greystone, the maids opened the assorted dishes that were already set on the table and immediately left leaving only Chef Alessio on standby.

The dishes looked appetizing. However, Ryan had already lost his appetite from all that had occurred earlier. Yet, he still kept a big smile anytime Zara looked at him. He also did not want to infuriate Mr. Greystone even further by not eating.

“Try this honey! It’s my favorite; you would love it. Open your mouth….” Zara said as she lovingly tried to feed him. Ryan felt a little shy and embarrassed but took a bite from Zara. His eyes widened immediately at the taste of the Golden Gastronomy Delight. It was a delicacy that only the rich could afford. He dived straight into the meal and began to devour it.

“What do you do?” Mr Greystone asked suddenly.  The question came as a shock to Ryan who slightly choked on the food he was eating. “I am a student of Silverlake Academy who works as a part-time attendant and a delivery guy for Dominos’ Pizza.” Ryan proudly replied. Mr. Greystone let out a soft chuckle and said, “I thought as much! It must be your first time tasting the Golden Gastronomy Delight. It’s definitely not something a Pizza Guy can afford.” 

Ryan looked lame as he tried swallowing the food in his mouth. Mr. Greystone continued sarcastically, “By the way, your outfit looks amazing. It has the charm of well-worn clothing gotten from a thrift-store finds.” The subtle remark about Ryan’s appearance was dropped like delicate bombs.

“How much do you make in a month?” Mr. Greystone enquired. “It all depends on how many hours I worked. I make within the range of $200 - 300 dollars a month” Ryan answered diplomatically. “How much is the least paid worker getting in the company?” Mr. Greystone asked as he looked towards the direction of the chef. “Roughly $2000 per week sir,” Chef Alessio replied. 

Mr. Greystone raised an eyebrow: “So boy, how do you manage, especially with my daughter’s expectations?” Ryan determined: “We manage just fine, sir. Love and support matter more to us than material wealth.” Mr. Greystone condescendingly replied: “Love is essential, of course. But, my dear boy, you must understand that love alone doesn’t build a secure future. My daughter deserves the best and I am not sure a pauper like you can give her the best.”

The atmosphere grew increasingly uncomfortable as Mr. Greystone wielded his wealth as a weapon leaving Ryan feeling like an unwelcome outsider in a world of opulence.

Zara could no longer stand how her father was treating Ryan and spoke up, “Don’t talk to Ryan like….”

“Shut up Zara! You don’t speak when father is speaking” A familiar voice exclaimed. Turning back, Ryan saw his worst nightmare standing behind him. It was Astrid! “What the hell is he doing here?” he thought. Zara immediately retorted, “Know your place, little step bro!”

“WHATTT!!! Step bro? Zara? Astrid? What’s going on here? Was this the secret Zara was going to reveal? Was this why Astrid did not bully me for the past two weeks of Zara’s transfer to Silverlake Academy?” Ryan silently tried processing the thoughts.

At this point, Ryan had taken his eighth glass of wine as Chef Alessio kept refilling the glass. It was a tradition at the Greystones’ to turn the wine glass over when satisfied unless the wine keeps coming. Ryan was oblivious of this tradition and was already starting to get nauseous.

In the middle of the ongoing tantrum, he slowly said, “I think I am going to throw up.” Everywhere became as silent as a graveyard. ”Let’s go to the White house immediately!” Chef Alessio ordered. Ryan ran as fast as he could to the direction of the visitor’s toilet which was next to Mr Greystone’s Master Bedroom but ended up throwing up on the floor of the toilet and on himself. 

After about five minutes of cleaning his mess up, Ryan was back to the living room. The stern looking faces of all except the loving eyes of Zara stared gleefully at him. “I apologize for the mess I have caused tonight and would like to take my leave immediately. Thanks for everything!” Ryan said respectfully. “Absolutely” Astrid replied, “You have done more than enough already Fatso. Get going!”

“I am deeply sorry honey for the discomfort I put you through tonight, I promise to explain ….” Zara said as she stood immediately to follow Ryan who was cut short immediately by her father.  

“If I were you, I would not dare take another step from there,” Mr. Benedict Greystone warned Zara. “I can see you have taken it as a goal to tarnish the reputation I assiduously built for thirty five years. I am overjoyed your stepmother is on vacation and is unable to witness the disgrace you brought in here as a boyfriend.

”Turning to Ryan, he asked, “What do your parents do Meathead?” Despite the subtly peppered remarks, Ryan maintained his dignity. “My mother has kicked the bucket and my father’s whereabouts is unknown.” 

“Well, if I was your father, not only would I have deserted you, but also disowned you. You are just a waste of space and existence. While God rested on the seventh day, the Angels decided to mold three of their own creation and trust me, you are three of them.” Mr. Greystone said as he rubbed salt on an already open wound of Ryan.

“As for your mother, Mr. Greystone continued, “I am certain she foresaw the failure of a man you would become and decided to take her life herself.” Astrid burst out in his annoying laughter. 

Ryan could not contain his emotions and tears began to roll down his eyes at the mention of his mother. His intrusive thoughts whispered vengeance immediately. He imagined moving at the speed and precision of Denzel Washington and giving a headshot straight at Astrid and Mr. Greystone. Well, this was too much of a fantasy for a 333lb guy who has never used a gun before.

Ryan knew that the longer he stayed, the more humiliation he was going to face. He had barely walked past the exit door when suddenly the sound of an alarm went blaring through the room. “Shut down the vicinity immediately! Somebody is making away with the family heirloom.” Mr. Greystone’s order echoed all over the building.

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