The commotion was spreading to the street. Lev was frightened by wincing with tears while he pleaded to be carried, his father immediately hugged him.

" See what's going on, son," he said to Aby.

Aby immediately went with careful motions. He opened wide his eyes and ears.

There he saw many people running

here and there it seemed derived from t T -junction.

The atmosphere was suddenly very chaotic.

Some children running in terror.

"Get out of the way!!", a child shouted at him but eventually he was not a child, he was just an adult who has the size of a kid.

At the intersection standing there, on the corner of the street there was a big house. It seemed they wanted to go inside there in effort to looking for some safety .

That magnificent house has long been abandoned by its owner, none knows who was the person . The house has had its doors removed.

Aby looked at everything around him and tried to understand what had happened there.All he saw in front of him was so confus
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